a Cell lengths in strains expressing HaloTag (HT)
fusions used in this study. (sw) indicates a sandwich fusion. Cell lengths
were measured from confocal microscopy of FM5-95 membrane stained cells.
When cell division is inhibited, cell length increases; that cell lengths in
each strain are equal to or less than that of wild type (WT) cells indicates
that these fluorescent fusions do not strongly inhibit cell division. In
some cases where the fluorescent fusion is merodiploid or expressed under
inducible control, cells are shorter than WT, as might be expected when
components of the cell division machinery are overexpressed. Blue: fusions
to early-arriving division proteins, red: fusions to late-arriving division
proteins. Gray lines: mean (solid line) ± standard deviation (dashed
lines) for WT cell lengths. N>400 cells for each sample.
b Lengths of cells with various division proteins knocked
out, for comparison with a. We include all knockouts whose lengths can be
measured in a straightforward way: ΔftsA cells have
severe division defects and are highly elongated (see Extended Data Fig. 10), and the remaining division
proteins are essential to avoid lethal filamentation59–62. N>140 cells for each sample. c
EzrA and ZapA HT fusions are functional and SepF HT fusion expressed at an
ectopic site does not disrupt SepF function. EzrA is synthetically lethal
with SepF and ZapA18,29. We therefore knocked out
one of these proteins and then expressed our HT fusion to the other protein;
if HT fusion induced a critical defect in protein function, this combination
will be lethal. Instead, in each case cells remained viable, with comparable
lengths to the knockout alone. N>200 cells for each sample.