Table 2.
SWOT: COVID-19 preventive measures (quarantine, isolation, lockdown, and social distancing) and mental health.
Governments • Helping to prevent the COVID-19 infection • Using more online technological services including health care sector services • Can use public authorities to serve and control the spread of infection • Can use national Media & TV channel to create the awareness • Using social media for spreading awareness |
Governments policies/orders • Insufficient hospital facilities and medical equipments, including for general and mental health services • Uncertainty of Economy due to various reasons such as, Disturbed in providing essential services to public due to the closure of public and private transports, Closure of schools, universities, Partially or fully shutdown of factories and industries |
Individuals • Regular exercise/yoga at home • Learn new skills such as learning new language, arts, painting, cooking, take care of family members • Working from home • Spending more time with family • Learning new online courses |
Individuals • Poor social interaction and Isolation • Difficult to attend social life such as meeting friends, relatives, or going to bars and social clubs • Reduced monthly income |
Governments and public health authorities • Implementing to control the spreading of COVID-19 infection • Can create more awareness through local and national leaders, social influential people, and religious people • Allotting appropriate funding for health care sectors • Allotting appropriate welfare funding for their citizens to manage the lockdown period • Arranging more mental health screening programs • Using media to create awareness among public to avoid the social stigma |
Governments and public health authorities • Damage to economy of the country • Political threat by other countries • Shortage of medical equipments and devices • Challenging to save the frontline workers from COVID-19 |
Individuals • Can do regular exercise to improve physical and mental health • Can create awareness to support the frontline workers and discourage the stigma • Being as a responsible citizen and family member to the society • Being a role model to children by stopping to drink alcohol and smoking • Learning new courses |
Individuals • Difficult to do regular health checkup/follow up for those with pre-existing mental health issues such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other mental health disorders • Students - No face-to-face classroom experiences and prolonged stay at home • Affected by various psychological issues as anxiety, feeling stressed, fear, fear-induced overreactive behaviour, frustration, guilt, anger, boredom, sadness, worry, nervousness, helplessness, loneliness, insomnia, and depression • Obesity and diabetes • Suicidal thoughts • Domestic violence • Unemployment, Poverty |