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. 2021 Apr 16;12:643670. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.643670

Table 1.

Summary of the associations between temporal discounting and socio-demographic, psychological, neuroimaging, and molecular genetic variables.

Variables Direction of association Effect sizes
  Age No association, Positive, Negative Moderate
  Gender No association, Men discount more Moderate
  Education level Negative Moderate
  Income Negative Moderate
  Marital status Singles discount more Moderate
Limitations: Small sample sizes, low-powered studies, the correlation between socio-demographic variables and temporal discounting is prone to misinterpretations and should be considered together with other biological and psychological variables
  Big Five
  Openness Negative Low
  Extraversion Positive Low
  Conscientiousness Negative Low
  Neuroticism Positive Low
  Agreeableness No association
  Trait impulsivity Positive Low to moderate
Future oriented cognitive styles and imagery
  Ability to imagine (present, future) Positive Moderate to high
  Future orientation Negative Low to moderate
Intelligence Negative Moderate
Inhibitory control No association, Negative Low to high
Limitations: Small sample sizes, low correlations, interaction effects are often not considered, effect of possible mediator and moderator variables not sufficiently explored (e.g., the role of risk preferences), impact of task specificities on the obtained results
Brain structure
  Gray matter volume of regions associated with valuation (vmPFC, striatum, PCC, OFC) Positive, Negative Low to moderate
  Gray and white matter volume of regions associated with cognitive control (dlPFC, FP) Positive, Negative Low to high
  White matter volume and cortical thickness of regions associated with memory and future oriented thinking (hippocampus/parahippocampus, entorhinal cortex) Positive, Negative Low to high
  Connectivity strength of (inhibitory) corticostriatal tracts Negative Moderate to high
Brain function
  Neural sensitivity to rewards and delays (vmPFC, vS, OFC, dlPFC) Positive, Negative Low to high
  Recruitment of PFC regions during reward anticipation, valuation, and choice Negative Not reported
  Intrinsic connectivity strength between cortical regions associated with cognitive control and valuation (e.g., FP and vmPFC) Negative Low to moderate
  Task-related functional connectivity between cortical and subcortical (e.g., dlPFC and striatum), cortical and limbic (e.g., ACC and hippocampus), and within cortical areas (e.g., dlPFC and vmPFC) Negative Not reported
Limitations: Low-powered studies, small sample sizes, inconsistent and non-replicated findings, moderator and mediator variables not thoroughly considered, dependence of the results on the methodology
  Genetic variations in the dopaminergic systems associated with DA hypofunction No associations, Positive Low to moderate
  Single nucleotide polymorphism rs6528024 on the X chromosome (associated with internalization of a serotonin receptor) No associations, Negative Low
  Minor allele of r13395777 (intergenic region) on chromosome 2 No associations, Positive Low
Limitations: Low-powered studies, non-replicated findings, task impurity problem, no studies on environment × gene interactions

Low effect sizes are considered d (or r) < 0.15; moderate effect sizes are considered 0.15 ≤ d (or r) ≤ 0.35; high effect sizes are considered d (or r) > 0.35. vmPFC, ventromedial prefrontal cortex; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; FP, frontal pole; vS, ventral striatum; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; DA, dopamine.