Correlation between protein and transcript data
(A) Histogram distribution of the Pearson correlation across 2,562 protein-transcript pairs in the true versus a random dataset.
(B) Median Pearson correlation calculated across 2,562 protein-transcript pairs in the true versus random dataset.
(C) Maximum normalized abundance of GUN5 mRNA3 and protein abundance across leaf development.
(D and E) STRING12 visualization of proliferation (D) and expansion (E) specific proteins, characterized by non-differential transcripts.3 Nodes represent proteins and edges represent interactions based on the experimental and database evidence with combined confidence score >0.4 imported from STRING. Unconnected nodes were removed. Colors indicate functional categories. In (D) red, mRNA processing; blue, RNA binding; yellow, translation; green, RNA polymerase. In (E) yellow, glutathione metabolism; green, starch metabolism; red, ATP synthase complex; blue, photosynthesis. For complete data see Data S2.