A/B compartment visualization with annotation. From top to bottom, the following visualization is shown: RNA-seq, Dnasel, CTCF (Broad), H3K27ac annotation, eigenvector, subcompartments and Hi-C contact heatmap. For Hi-C contact heatmap, we choose to show observed/expected balanced Hi-C data to visualize A/B compartment with 500 kb resolution, blue means A compartment, red means B compartment, combined with RNA-seq, Dnasel and H3K27ac, we can see, the blue region had higher gene expression and higher signals of h3k27ac, dnasel and CTCF. (Note: this Figure is drawn using the juicer box tool [87], Data Source: Rao and Huntley et al. [18] Cell GM12878 Hi-C in situ chr1: 0 MB-120 MB). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)