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. 2021 Apr 7;12:661281. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.661281


GenBank accession numbers of species included in the phylogenetic study.

Species Strain no. GenBank Accession Numbers
Arthrinium acutiapicum KUMCC 20–0209 MT946338 MT946342 MT947359 MT947365
A. acutiapicum KUMCC 20–0210 MT946339 MT946343 MT947360 MT947366
A. aquaticum MLFU 18–1628 MK835806 MK828608 N/A N/A
A. arundinis CBS 106.12 KF144927 KF144883 KF145015 KF144973
A. arundinis CBS 114316 KF144928 KF144884 KF145016 KF144974
A. arundinis GZCC 20–0116 MW478899 MW481720 MW522952 MW522968
A. aureum CBS 244.83 KF144935 AB220251 KF145023 KF144981
A. balearicum CBS 145129 MK014836 MK014869 MK017946 MK017975
A. bambusae LC7107 N/A KY494719 KY705117 KY705187
A. bambusae LC7106 KY494794 KY494718 KY806204 KY705186
A. bambusicola MFLUCC 20–0144 MW173087 MW173030 MW183262 N/A
A. biseriale CGMCC 3.20135 MW478885 MW481708 MW522938 MW522955
A. biseriale GZCC 20–0099 MW478886 MW481709 MW522939 MW522956
A. biseriale GZCC 20–0100 MW478887 MW481710 MW522940 MW522957
A. camellia-sinensis LC8181 KY494837 KY494761 KY705157 KY705229
A. camellia-sinensis LC5007 KY494780 KY494704 KY705103 KY705173
A. caricicola CBS 145127 MK014838 MK014871 MK017948 MK017977
A. chinense CFCC53036 N/A MK819291 MK818545 MK818547
A. chinense CFCC53037 N/A MK819292 MK818546 MK818548
A. chromolaenae MFLUCC 17-1505 MT214436 MT214342 N/A N/A
A. cyclobalanopsidis CGMCC 3.20136 MW478892 MW481713 MW522945 MW522962
A. cyclobalanopsidis GZCC 20–0103 MW478893 MW481714 MW522946 MW522963
A. descalsii CBS 145130 MK014837 MK014870 MK017947 MK017976
A. dichotomanthi LC8175 KY494831 KY494755 KY705151 kY705223
A. dichotomanthi LC4950 KY494773 KY494697 KY705096 KY705167
A. esporlense CBS 145136 MK014845 MK014878 MK017954 MK017983
A. euphorbiae IMI 285638b AB220335 AB220241 N/A AB220288
A. gaoyouense CFCC 52301 N/A MH197124 MH236793 MH236789
A. gaoyouense CFCC 52302 N/A MH197125 MH236794 MH236790
A. garethjonesii KUMCC16–0202 KY356091 KY356086 N/A N/A
A. garethjonesii GZCC 20–0115 MW478894 MW481715 MW522947 N/A
A. gelatinosum KHAS 11962 MW478888 MW481706 MW522941 MW522958
A. gelatinosum GZAAS 20–0107 MW478889 MW481707 MW522942 MW522959
A. guizhouense LC5318 KY494784 KY494708 KY705107 KY705177
A. guizhouense LC5322 KY494785 KY494709 KY705108 KY705178
A. guizhouense GZCC 20–0114 MW478895 MW481716 MW522948 MW522964
A. gutiae CBS 135835 KR149063 KR011352 KR011351 KR011350
A. hispanicum IMI 326877 AB220336 AB220242 N/A AB220289
A. hydei CBS 114990 KF144936 KF144890 KF145024 KF144982
A. hydei KUMCC 16–0204 KY356092 KY356087 N/A N/A
A. hydei GZCC 20–0113 MW478900 MW481721 MW522953 N/A
A. hyphopodii KUMCC 16–0201 KY356093 KY356088 N/A N/A
A. hyphopodii MFLUCC15–0003 N/A KR069110 N/A N/A
A. hysterinum CBS 145134 MK014843 MK014876 N/A N/A
A. hysterinum ICMP 6889 MK014841 MK014874 MK017951 MK017980
A. ibericum CBS 145137 MK014846 MK014879 MK017955 MK017984
A. italicum CBS 145138 MK014847 MK014880 MK017956 MK017985
A. japonicum IFO 30500 AB220356 AB220262 N/A AB220309
A. japonicum IFO 31098 AB220358 AB220264 N/A AB220311
A. jatrophae MMI 00052 N/A JQ246355 N/A N/A
A. jatrophae AMH–9557 N/A JQ246355 N/A N/A
A. jiangxiense LC4577 KY494769 KY494693 KY705092 KY705163
A. jiangxiense LC4578 KY494770 KY494694 KY705093 KY705164
A. kogelbergense CBS 113332 KF144937 KF144891 KF145025 KF144983
A. kogelbergense CBS 113333 KF144938 KF144892 KF145026 KF144984
A. locuta-pollinis LC11683 N/A MF939595 MF939616 MF939622
A. longistromum MFLUCC 11–0481 KU863129 KU940141 N/A N/A
A. longistromum MFLUCC 11–0479 KU863130 KU940142 N/A N/A
A. malaysianum CBS 102053 KF144942 KF144896 KF145030 KF144988
A. malaysianum CBS 251.29 KF144943 KF144897 KF145031 KF144989
A. marii CBS 497.90 KF144947 AB220252 KF145035 KF144993
A. mediterranei IMI 326875 AB220337 AB220243 N/A AB220290
A. minus CBS 145131 MK014839 MK014872 MK017949 MK017978
A. mytilomorphum DAOM 214595 N/A KY494685 N/A N/A
A. garethjonesii KUMCC 18–0192 MK070898 MK070897 N/A N/A
A. neosubglobosa KUMCC 16–0203 KY356095 KY356090 N/A N/A
A. neosubglobosa JHB006 KY356094 KY356089 N/A N/A
A. neosubglobosa GZAAS 20–0099 MW478901 MW481705 MW522954 MW522969
A. obovatum LC8177 KY494833 KY494757 KY705153 KY705225
A. obovatum LC4940 KY494772 KY494696 KY705095 KY705166
A. ovatum CBS 115042 KF144950 KF144903 KF145037 KF144995
A. paraphaeospermum MFLUCC 13–0644 KX822124 KX822128 N/A N/A
A. phaeospermum CBS 114314 KF144951 KF144904 KF145038 KF144996
A. phaeospermum CBS 114315 KF144952 KF144905 KF145039 KF144997
A. phragmites CPC 18900 KF144956 KF144909 KF145043 KF145001
A. phyllostachium MFLUCC 18–1101 MH368077 MK351842 MK340918 MK291949
A. phyllostachium GZCC 20–0111 MW478896 MW481717 MW522949 MW522965
A. phyllostachium GZCC 20–0112 MW478897 MW481718 MW522950 MW522966
A. piptatheri CBS 145149 MK014860 MK014893 MK017969 N/A
A. pseudoparenchymaticum LC7234 KY494819 KY494743 KY705139 KY705211
A. pseudoparenchymaticum LC8173 KY494829 KY494753 KY705149 KY705221
A. pseudoparenchymaticum GZCC 20–0117 MW478898 MW481719 MW522951 MW522967
A. pseudorasikravindrae KUMCC 20–0208 N/A MT946344 MT947361 MT947367
A. pseudorasikravindrae KUMCC 20–0211 N/A MT946345 MT947362 MT947368
A. pseudosinense CPC 21546 KF144957 KF144910 KF145044 N/A
A. pseudosinense CBS 135459 N/A KF144910 KF145044 N/A
A. pseudospegazzinii CBS 102052 KF144958 KF144911 KF145045 KF145002
A. pterospermum CBS 123185 KF144959 KF144912 N/A KF145003
A. pterospermum CPC 20193 KF144960 KF144913 KF145046 KF145004
A. puccinioides CBS 145150 MK014861 MK014894 MK017970 MK017998
A. puccinioides CBS 549.86 AB220347 AB220253 N/A AB220300
A. qinlingense CFCC 52303 N/A MH197120 MH236795 MH236791
A. qinlingense CFCC 52304 N/A MH197121 MH236796 MH236792
A. rasikravindrae CBS 145152 MK014863 MK014896 MK017971 MK017999
A. rasikravindrae LC7115 KY494797 KY494721 KY705118 KY705189
A. rasikravindrae NFCCI 2144 N/A JF326454 N/A N/A
A. sacchari CBS 212.30 KF144963 KF144917 KF145048 KF145006
A. sacchari CBS 301.49 KF144962 KF144916 KF145047 KF145005
A. saccharicola CBS 191.73 KF144966 KF144920 KF145051 KF145009
A. saccharicola CBS 463.83 KF144968 KF144921 KF145053 KF145011
A. septatum CGMCC 3.20134 MW478890 MW481711 MW522943 MW522960
A. septatum GZCC 20–0109 MW478891 MW481712 MW522944 MW522961
A. serenense IMI 326869 AB220344 AB220250 N/A AB220297
A. setostromum KUMCC 19–0217 MN528011 MN528012 MN527357 N/A
A. sporophleum CBS 145154 MK014865 MK014898 MK017973 MK018001
A. subglobosum MFLUCC 11–0397 KR069113 KR069112 N/A N/A
A. subroseum LC7292 KY494828 KY494752 KY705148 KY705220
A. thailandicum MFLUCC 15–0199 KX986111 KU940146 N/A N/A
A. thailandicum MFLUCC 15–0202 KU863133 KU940145 N/A N/A
A. trachycarpum CFCC 53038 N/A MK301098 MK303396 MK303394
A. trachycarpum CFCC 53039 N/A MK301099 MK303397 MK303395
A. urticae IMI 326344 AB220339 AB220245 N/A N/A
A. vietnamese IMI 99670 KX986111 KX986096 N/A KY019466
A. xenocordella CBS478.86 KF144970 KF144925 KF145055 KF145013
A. xenocordella CBS 595.66 KF144971 KF144926 N/A N/A
A. yunnanum DDQ 00281 KU863136 KU940148 N/A N/A
A. yunnanum MFLU 15–0002 N/A KU940147 N/A N/A
Seiridium phylicae CPC 19962 NG 042759 LT853092 LT853189 LT853239
Seiridium phylicae CPC 19965 KC005809 LT853093 LT853190 LT853240

The newly generated sequence is shown in bold. AMH: Ajrekar Mycological herbarium, Pune, Maharashtra, India; CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands; CFCC: China Forestry Culture Collection Center, Beijing, China; CGMCC: China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center, Beijing, China; CPC: Culture collection of Pedro Crous, housed at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute; DAOM: Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures, Ottawa, Canada; DDQ: D.Q. Dai; GZAAS: Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences herbarium, China; GZCC: Guizhou Culture Collection, China; HKAS: Herbarium of Cryptogams Kunming Institute of Botany Academia Sinica; ICMP: International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants, New Zealand; IFO: Institute for Fermentation, Osaka, Japan; IMI: Culture collection of CABI Europe UK Centre, Egham, UK; JHB: H.B. Jiang; KUMCC: Culture collection of Kunming Institute of Botany, Yunnan, China; LC: Working collection of Lei Cai, housed at CAS, China; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; NFCCI: National Fungal Culture Collection of India.