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. 2021 Apr 29;10(17):e00149-21. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00149-21


Genome data and accession numbers for the P. cannabina pv. alisalensis and P. syringae pv. maculicola strains

Genome information
PGAPa annotation
Completeness checkb
Pathogen Strain Sequence status Genome structure GenBank accession no. (assembly no.) Genome size (bp) G+C content (mol%) No. of contigs Genome coverage (×) N50 (bp) Total no. of genes No. of rRNAs No. of tRNAs Com (%) Con (%)
Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis MAFF 301419 Complete genome sequence 1 chromosome, 1 plasmid CP067022, CP067023 (GCF_016599635.1) 6,144,893 58.7 2 247 6,103,677 5,486 17 64 100 0.22
Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis MAFF 106156 Draft genome sequence Undetermined JAEVFO000000000 6,253,010 57.4 211 260 109,379 5,741 12 57 100 0.61
Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola MAFF 302723 Complete genome sequence 1 chromosome, 2 plasmids CP067024, CP067025, CP067026 (GCF_016599655.1) 6,419,483 58.3 3 323 6,349,611 5,788 16 64 100 0.38
Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola SUPP 2206 Draft genome sequence Undetermined JAEVFP000000000 6,439,699 55.9 231 256 68,797 5,981 8 60 100 0.51

PGAP, NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline.


The completeness check was performed using CheckM. Com, completeness; con, contamination.