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. 2021 Apr 16;9:649830. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.649830



Gsk3β inactivation but not Rac1 activation partially rescued cochlear outgrowth of WlscKO mutant. (A–F) Dissected cochlear ducts from E18.5 wild-type control (A), Rac1DA/+ (B), Gsk3βcKO (C), WlscKO (D), WlscKO; Rac1DA/+ (E), and WlscKO; Gsk3βcKO (F) mutants. (G–L) Flat-mounted OC from the middle region (40–60% cochlear length) of wild-type control (G), Rac1DA/+ (H), Gsk3βcKO (I), WlscKO (J), WlscKO; Rac1DA/+ (K), and WlscKO; Gsk3βcKO (L) cochleae stained by phalloidin. Arrowheads indicate the inner pillar cell row. Lateral is up. Scale bars: (A–F), 1 mm; (G–L), 6 μm. (M–O) Quantifications of cochlear length (M), cochlear duct width (N), and presence of extra OHC rows (O) in genotypes indicated by the color keys. Cochlear duct width (N) was not significantly different in all pair-wise comparisons. The number of cochleae analyzed is indicated. Ns, not significant.