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. 2019 Mar 14;26(1):77–86. doi: 10.5603/CJ.a2017.0080

Table 3.

Baseline characteristics of patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to acute myocardial infarction undergoing mild therapeutic hypothermia.

STEMI (n = 11) NSTEMI (n = 10) P
Demographic data
Males 9 (82%) 8 (80%) 0.9
Age 65 ± 9 68 ± 13 0.5
History of myocardial infarction 0 1 (10%) 0.3
History of ischemic heart disease 1 (9%) 2 (20%) 0.5
Arterial hypertension 7 (64%) 7 (70%) 0.8
Diabetes mellitus type 2 2 (18%) 4 (40%) 0.3
Dyslipidemia 4 (36%) 5 (50%) 0.5
Obesity 4 (36%) 4 (40%) 0.9
Tobacco smoking 4 (36%) 2 (20%) 0.4
Revascularization 0 2 (20%) 0.1
Chronic kidney disease stage 5 0 1 (10%) 0.5
Atrial fibrillation 0 2 (20%) 0.1
Arrest data
Initial cardiac arrest rhythm:
 VF/VT 10 (91%) 7 (70%) 0.2
 Asystole 0 2 (20%) 0.1
 Pulseless electrical activity 1 (9%) 1 (10%) 0.9
Time to ROSC [min] 27 ± 15 19 ± 16 0.2
Witness (yes) 11 (100%) 10 (100%) 1
Bystander CPR (yes) 7 (64%) 7 (70%) 0.8
Hospital patients on admison data
GCS score (3–4) 7 (64%) 6 (60%) 0.9
GCS score (5–6) 4 (36%) 4 (40%) 0.9
Medium HR [bpm] 102 ± 26 98 ± 13 0.7
Medium MAP [mmHg] 94 ± 26 96 ± 23 0.9
Cardiogenic shock (yes) 3 (27%) 1 (10%) 0.3
Time to MTH [min] 117 ± 37 154 ± 66 0.2
STEMI location
Anterior 5 (45%) NA
Inferior 2 (18%) NA
Lateral 1 (9%) NA
Anterior-lateral 2 (18%) NA
Inferior-lateral 1 (9%) NA
LBBB 0 2 (20%) 0.1
RBBB 2 (18%) 2 (20%) 0.9
Coronary angiographic
Culprit leasion:
 Left main artery 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
 Left anterior descending artery 6 (55%) 2 (20%) 0.1
 Diagonal artery 0 (0%) 1 (10%) 0.3
 Intermediate artery 1 (9%) 0 (0%) 0.3
 Left circumfex artery 1 (9%) 2 (20%) 0.5
 Marginal artery 2 (18%) 2 (20%) 0.9
 Right coronary artery 1 (9%) 2 (20%) 0.5
 MVD (more than 1-VD) 0 (%) 1 (10%) 0.3
 Culprit occlusions 8 (73%) 4 (40%) 0.1
Intervention findings
PCI 10 (91%) 10 (100%) 0.3
PCI type:
 Bare metal stent 1 (9%) 0 (0%) 0.3
 Drug eluting stent 9 (82%) 10 (100%) 0.2
Used of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors 1 (9%) 0 (0%) 0.3
Time from cardiac arrest to door to balloon [min] 107 ± 33 155 ± 68 0.06
Time PCI [min] 29 ± 18 18 ± 9 0.1
Hospital patients at discharge
 Normal (EF > 50%) 6 (55%) 4 (40%) 0.5
 Mild-moderate (EF 30–49%) 3 (27%) 6 (60%) 0.1
 Severe (EF < 30%) 2 (18%) 0 (0%) 0.2
 ASA 10 (91%) 8 (80%) 0.5
 Clopidogrel 0 (0%) 1 (10%) 0.3
 Ticagrelor 11 (100%) 9 (90%) 0.3
 LMWH 3 (27%) 6 (60%) 0.1
 Statin 4 (36%) 7 (70%) 0.1
 ACEI 6 (54%) 5 (50%) 0.8
 Digoxin 0 (0%) 1 (10%) 0.3
 Beta-blocker 6 (54%) 4 (40%) 0.5
 Diuretic 8 (72%) 5 (50%) 0.3
 Cordarone 1 (9%) 1 (10%) 0.9
Clinical characteristics
 Cerebral edema 1 (9%) 3 (30%) 0.2
 Stroke 0 (0%) 2 (20%) 0.1
 Stent thrombosis 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
 Pneumonia 6 (55%) 6 (60%) 0.8
 Bleeding 2 (18%) 5 (50%) 0.1
 Cardiogenic shock (yes) 5 (45%) 4 (40%) 0.8
 Re-cardiac arrest 3 (27%) 2 (20%) 0.7
Neurological outcome
 Good neurological outcome 7 (64%) 5 (50%) 0.5
 Death 2 (18%) 1 (10%) 0.6

ACEI — angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor; ASA — acetylsalicylic acid; CPR — cardiopulmonary resuscitation; EF — ejection fraction; GCS — Glasgow Coma Scale; GP — glycoprotein; HR — heart rate; LBBB — left bundle branch block; LMWH — low molecular weight heparin; MAP — mean arterial pressure; MTH — mild therapeutic hypothermia; MVD — multivessel disease; NSTEMI — non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; PCI — percutaneous coronary intervention; RBBB — right bundle branch block; ROSC — return of spontaneous circulation; STEMI — ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; VT/VF — ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation

Due to STEMI, patients were admitted directly to a catheterization laboratory (without additional diagnostic tests), and STEMI vs. NSTEMI groups were compared. No significant differences between groups were observed: (1) the main mechanism of cardiac arrest was ventricular fibrillation; (2) Arterial hypertension was the most commonly occurring risk factor for atherosclerosis in both groups; (3) Time frame to balloon was longer in NSTEMI patients (delay of revascularization resulted from the exclusion of non-cardiogenic reasons of cardiac arrest; p = 0.06); (4) In the STEMI group, > 50% left anterior descending artery was due to infarct-related artery; (5) Cardiogenic shock occurred at the same frequency in both groups (45% vs. 40%; p = 0.8); (6) The bleeding rates were greater in NSTEMI (STEMI vs. NSTEMI, 18% vs. 50%; p = 0.1); and (7) The number of favourable neurological outcomes (as identified by the Pittsburgh Cerebral Performance Category scores 1 and 2) were similar in patients in both groups (64% vs. 50%; p = 0.5).