Table 1.
Standardized Criteria Applied to Accidental Drug-Related Deaths and Suicides
Standardized Criteria for Accidental Drug-Related Deaths and Suicides | Case Examples | No. of Times Identified in Accidental Drug-Related Death | No. of Times Identified in Suicide |
1. Pregnancy complication | 7 | 1 | |
a. Increased pain directly attributable to pregnancy or postpartum events leading to self-harm or drug use that is implicated in suicide or accidental death | Back pain, pelvic pain, kidney stones, cesarean incision, or perineal tear pain | 0 | 0 |
b. Traumatic event in pregnancy or postpartum with a temporal relationship between the event leading to self-harm or increased drug use and subsequent death | Stillbirth, preterm delivery, diagnosis of fetal anomaly, traumatic delivery experience, relationship destabilization due to pregnancy, removal of child(ren) from custody | 7 | 1 |
c. Pregnancy-related complication likely exacerbated by drug use leading to subsequent death | Placental abruption or preeclampsia in setting of drug use | 0 | 0 |
2. Chain of events initiated by pregnancy | 9 | 3 | |
a. Cessation or attempted taper of medications for pregnancy-related concerns (neonatal or fetal risk or fear of Child Protective Service involvement) leading to maternal destabilization or drug use and subsequent death | Substance use pharmacotherapy (methadone or buprenorphine), psychiatric medications, pain medications | 3 | 1 |
b. Inability to access inpatient or outpatient drug or mental health treatment due to pregnancy | Health care professionals uncomfortable with treating pregnant women, facilities not available that accept pregnant women | 0 | 0 |
c. Perinatal depression, anxiety, or psychosis resulting in maternal destabilization or drug use and subsequent death | Depression diagnosed in pregnancy or postpartum resulting in suicide | 1 | 2 |
d. Recovery or stabilization of substance use disorder achieved during pregnancy or postpartum with clear statement in records that pregnancy was motivating factor with subsequent relapse and subsequent death | Relapse leading to overdose due to decreased tolerance or polysubstance use | 5 | 0 |
3. Aggravation of underlying condition by pregnancy | 1 | 5 | |
a. Worsening of underlying depression, anxiety, or other psychiatric condition in pregnancy or the postpartum period with documentation that mental illness led to drug use or self-harm and subsequent death | Pre-existing depression exacerbated in the postpartum period leading to suicide | 1 | 5 |
b. Exacerbation, undertreatment, or delayed treatment of pre-existing condition in pregnancy or postpartum leading to use of prescribed or illicit drugs resulting in death, or suicide | Undertreatment of chronic pain leading to misuse of medications or use of illicit drugs, resulting in death | 0 | 0 |
c. Medical conditions secondary to drug use in setting of pregnancy or postpartum that may be attributable to pregnancy-related physiology and increased risk of complications leading to death | Stroke or cardiovascular arrest due to stimulant use | 0 | 0 |
Boldface indicates totals for each category.