Table 2. Ethnoveterinary use of the plants of Sharda Division, Neelum Valley AJK.
S. No. | Plant name | Family | Local name | Habit | Alt. Range (m) | Current Status | Part Used | Ethno-veterinary uses |
1 | Aconogonon molle (D.Don) H. Hara | Polygonaceae | Chukro | Herb | 2000–3000 | Secure | Rt | Mashed uncooked roots are given orally to cure enterotoxaemia problems (Andran Da Taap). Roots after boiling in the water, along with molasses, in solution form are fed orally to cure lamb dysentery (PPR). |
2 | Aconogonon rumicifolium (Royle ex Rab.) H.Hara | Polygonaceae | Panchoola | Herb | 2500–3500 | Secure | Rt | Mashed uncooked roots are given orally to cure enterotoxaemia problems. |
3 | Aesculus indica (Wall. ex Camb.) Hook.f. | Hippocastanaceae | Bunkhoor | Tree | 2000–2800 | Secure | Frt | Fruits are mashed and fed to the cattle to treat indigestion (Malla) as it has warm effect. Seeds are also given orally as tonic, especially to the horses. |
4 | Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth. | Lamiaceae | Jan e Adam | Herb | 2500–3500 | Vulnerable | Rt | Uncooked roots are given orally to the cattle suffering from internal heat (Peelia). |
5 | Angelica archangelica var. himalica (Clarke) E.Nasir | Apiaceae | Murchar | Shrub | 2000–3000 | Secure | Rt | Roots of the plants are cooked and with the addition of molasses are given to cure indigestion cause by the cold. It increases internal temperature and relieve the pain. It is also used to cure dyspnea (Dhansna). |
6 | Angelica cyclocarpa (Norman) Cannon | Apiaceae | Chora | Shrub | 2000–3500 | Vulnerable | Rt | Indigestion (locally known as Dood da Mala) in cattle is cured by giving uncooked roots with the addition of molasses. Same roots, while cooked are given to the cattle to cure indigestion caused by the cold (locally known as Thanady da malla). Used to cure animal’s dehydration (Taku) issue which usually results because of the non-availability of the water for a long time. |
7 | Aralia cachemirica Dcne. | Araliaceae | Chooryal | Shrub | 1800–2500 | Secure | Rt | Mashed and uncooked roots are given to the cattle as tonic which also increases the production of milk. |
8 | Berberis lycium Royle | Berberidaceae | Sunmbal | Shrub | 1800–2700 | Secure | Brk | The bark of the root and stem is peeled off, dried, grinded and then used in combination with rice, maize floor and butter as tonic to strengthen the bones and treatment of internal fractures. |
9 | Bistorta amplexicaulis var. amplexicaulis (D. Don) Green | Polygonaceae | Chiti Masloon | Herb | 2000–3500 | Secure | Rt | Cooked roots (decoction) are given to the feeble cattle as tonic. |
10 | Bistorta amplexicaulis var. speciosa (Meisn.) Munshi & Javeid | Polygonaceae | Bari Masloon | Herb | 1800–2500 | Secure | Rt | Cooked roots are given to the feeble cattle as tonic. |
11 | Capsicum annuum L. | Solanaceae | Rattian Marchan | Shrub | 1800–2000 | Cultivated | Frt | Cotton cloth kept on hay and burnt. Dried fruits of Capsicum annuum (locally called Rattian marchan) are grinded and the powder in combination with sugar is also poured on the fire. Smoke and fumes produced are being forcibly inhaled to animal (horse/mule/donkey). Consequently, there is copious discharge from nasal cavities and animals become healthy. The disease is known as strangles (locally called Kannar). |
12 | Cedrus deodara (Roxb. ex D.Don) G.Don | Pinaceae | Pluddar | Tree | 1800–2250 | Vulnerable | Rsn | Resin extracted from the trunk of Cedrus deodara after heating the chopped parts of the woods, is applied on the affected skin to cure/mange ecto-parasitism. Burned mobile oil is also used for the same purpose |
13 | Curcuma longa L. | Zingiberaceae | Liddhar | Herb | 1800–2300 | Cultivated Secure | Rt | Roots of Curcuma longa (Haldi) are cooked in ghee are also fed orally to cure the issue of Prolapse of Uterus. |
14 | Dipsacus inermis Wall. ex Roxb. | Dipsaceae | Pilha | Herb | 1800–2500 | Secure | Rt | About 1–2 kg of roots are mashed and cooked in water and given orally to expel placenta as post-delivery treatment in cattle. This has shown quick results and placenta is removed. Cooked roots of Dipsacus inermis (Pilha) are also used to cure prolapse of uterus (Mongra Ana / Bhar Ana). |
15 | Geranium wallichianum D.Don. ex Sweet | Geraniaceae | Ratanjoog | Herb | 1800–3000 | Secure | Rt | Cooked roots are given to the cattle as tonic. |
16 | Helianthus annuus L. | Asteraceae | Gul e Aftab | Shrub | 1800–2300 | Cultivated Secure | Sd | Crushed seed (Powder) are given to the week cattle orally as tonic to the general weakness. |
17 | Hylotelephium ewersii (Ledeb.)H. Ohba | Crassulaceae | Loonslooni | Herb | 2500–3500 | Secure | AP | Whole mashed uncooked plant is fed to the goats and sheep to reduce the effects of over dozed salts, hence known as Loonslooni (Loon is local name of Salt). |
18 | Indigofera heterantha var. heterantha (Wall. ex Baker) Ali | Papilionaceae | Kainthi | Shrub | 1800–2800 | Secure | Rt | Mashed uncooked roots are given to the young cattle as dewormer. |
19 | Lavatera cachemiriana var. cachemiriana S.Abdin | Malvaceae | Dang Sonchal | Shrub | 2000–2800 | Vulnerable | Rt | Cooked roots are used to treat constipation in the animals. |
20 | Ligularia amplexicaulis DC. | Asteraceae | Mata Khaish | Herb | 2800–3600 | Secure | Rt | Crushed uncooked roots are given orally to the young cattles to expel worms from the abdomen. It increase digestion and helps the young ones to graze fresh grass. |
21 | Phaseolus lunatus Linn. | Papilionaceae | Mooth | Climber | 1800–2400 | Cultivated Secure | Sd | Seeds (Mooth) after boiling in the water are fed, so that blister should appear on the outer surface of the animal to cure Goat Pox (Thandian). Otherwise, the death of the animal is possible. |
22 | Phaseolus vulgaris Linn. | Papilionaceae | Mooth | Climber | 1800–2400 | Cultivated Secure | Sd | Seeds (Moth) after boiling in the water are fed, so that blister should appear on the outer surface of the animal to cure goat pox (Thandian). Otherwise, the death of the animal is possible. |
23 | Punica granatum L | Lythraceae | Darru | Shrub/tree | - | Cultivated | Frt | Other than the Alum (Phatkri), outer fleshy part of the fruit of Punica granatum (locally known as Darru) is dried, grinded and mixed in yogurt and fed orally to cure the issue of nephritis locally called Dkahotra/ Chulkna. |
24 | Rheum webbianum Royle | Polygonaceae | Chootyal | Herb | 2500–3600 | Vulnerable | Rt | Mashed roots are given to cure indigestion and constipation issues in cattles. Mashed roots are also tied on the external injuries to relieve pain in the cattles. |
25 | Rhodiola himalensis (D.Don.)S.H.Fu. | Crassulaceae | Bugomasti | Herb | 2700–3600 | Secure | AP | Aerial parts are crushed and fed to the young cattle as dewormer. |
26 | Rhodiola pinnatifida Boiss. | Crassulaceae | Bugomasti | Herb | 2800–3600 | Secure | AP | Aerial parts are crushed and given to the young cattle as dewormer |
27 | Rhodiola sp. | Crassulaceae | Bugomasti | Herb | 2600–3500 | Secure | AP | Aerial parts are crushed and given to the young cattle as dewormer |
28 | Rumex acetosa L. | Polygonaceae | Sufaid Hoola | Herb | 1800–3000 | Secure | Rt | Cooked roots are believed effective to cure cough, indigestion and constipation. Roots are buried under the fire in ash and used to expel retained placenta as a post-delivery complication and also on cough. |
29 | Rumex nepalensis Spreng. | Polygonaceae | Hoola | Herb | 1800–3000 | Secure | Rt | Cooked roots are believed effective to cure cough, indigestion and constipation. Roots are buried under the fire in ash and used to expel retained placenta as a post-delivery complication and also on cough. It is also used to cure dyspnea (Dhansna). |
30 | Saussurea lappa (Dcne.)Sch. Costus (Falc. Lipsch.) | Asteraceae | Kuth | Herb | 2500–3500 | Critically Endangered | Rt | Crushed roots are given uncooked to the sheep and goats to expel worms and also believed as tonic. The cattle start eating after the treatment. |
31 | Sedum trullipetalum H&T. | Crassulaceae | Loonslooni | Herb | 2500–3600 | Secure | AP | Un cooked, mashed whole plant is given to the goats and sheep to reduce the effects of over dozed salts, hence known as Loon slooni (Loon is local name of Salt). |
32 | Taraxacum laevigatum (Willd.)DC | Asteraceae | Hand | Herb | 1800–3200 | Secure | Rt | Mashed uncooked roots are given to cure the post-delivery complication especially to expel retained placenta in the cattle. |
33 | Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. | Fabaceae | Sinji | Herb | 1800–2600 | Cultivated Secure | AP | Trigonella foenum-graecum (Maithi) is boiled and fed orally to the animals for the purpose to cure prolapse of uterus. |
34 | Thymus linearis Benth. | Lamiaceae | Ajwain/ Bun jamain | Herb | 2800–3500 | Endangered | AP | Decoction of the whole plant with addition of milk, maize flour and molasses is orally fed to the animals suffering from indigestion (Malla) and hemoglobinuria (Rut Mortrna). |
35 | Urtica dioica L. | Urticaceae | Kairi | Herb | 1800–2800 | Secure | Lvs | Vesical palpation with irritation, causing plant Urtica dioica (Kari), leaves is practiced which cause irritation in the birth canal and eventually animal is set into heat cycle called Repeat Breeding (Na Thairna). |
36 | Verbascum thapsus L. | Saxifragaceae | Gadikan | Herb | 1800–3000 | Secure | AP | Leaves are cooked and given to the cattle to relieve pain in case of injury. Broad leaves are also lapped on the injured parts to relieve pain. |
37 | Viburnum cotinifolium D.Don. | Caprifoliaceae | Ukloon/ Guch | Shrub | 1800–2800 | Secure | AP | Tips of the plants are collected while starting sprouting and are given uncooked orally to the horses and buffalos to cure constipations. |
38 | Viburnum grandiflorum Wall. ex DC. | Caprifoliaceae | Ukloon/Guch | Herb | 1800–2800 | Secure | AP | Sprouting tips of the plants are collected mashed and given to the horses and buffalos uncooked to cure constipations. |
39 | Zea mays L. | Poaceae | Makai | Herb | 1800–2500 | Cultivated | AP | Young plants of Maize (Makai) dried under shad are boiled and the hot plant parts are tied on the back of animals (cows & buffalos) which is believed to dry the internal fluid from the body of the animal, which is another type of “indigestion” (locally known as Linga da Malla) |
Frt = Fruit, Lvs = Leaves, Rt = Root, AP = Aerial Parts, WP = Whole Plant, Sd = Seeds, Flr = Flowers, Rsn = Resin.