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. 2021 May 8;397(10286):1711–1724. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00634-6

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics by ethnic group

Overall (n=17 288 532) White (n=10 877 978) South Asian (n=1 025 319) Black (n=340 912) Mixed (n=170 484) Other (n=320 788) Unknown (n=4 553 051)
Age, years 49·6 (18·6) 51·2 (18·2) 43·0 (15·4) 43·8 (15·5) 40·0 (14·9) 40·2 (15·0) 48·8 (20·0)
Female 8 638 780 (50·0%) 5 650 496 (51·9%) 490 641 (47·9%) 169 832 (49·8%) 87 678 (51·4%) 157 832 (49·2%) 2 082 301 (45·7%)
Male 8 649 752 (50·0%) 5 227 482 (48·1%) 534 678 (52·1%) 171 080 (50·2%) 82 806 (48·6%) 162 956 (50·8%) 2 470 750 (54·3%)
Index of Multiple Deprivation
1 (most affluent) 3 495 006 (20·2%) 2 294 962 (21·1%) 87 798 (8·6%) 22 716 (6·7%) 22 259 (13·1%) 43 209 (13·5%) 1 024 062 (22·5%)
2 3 481 686 (20·1%) 2 292 018 (21·1%) 114 552 (11·2%) 34 646 (10·2%) 27 255 (16·0%) 54 638 (17·0%) 958 577 (21·1%)
3 3 487 259 (20·2%) 2 220 520 (20·4%) 189 485 (18·5%) 54 731 (16·1%) 32 256 (18·9%) 60 843 (19·0%) 929 424 (20·4%)
4 3 482 514 (20·1%) 2 113 382 (19·4%) 295 273 (28·8%) 90 963 (26·7%) 40 543 (23·8%) 79 661 (24·8%) 862 692 (18·9%)
5 (most deprived) 3 342 067 (19·3%) 1 957 096 (18·0%) 338 211 (33·0%) 137 856 (40·4%) 48 171 (28·3%) 82 437 (25·7%) 778 296 (17·1%)
Number of people in household
1–2 7 533 408 (43·6%) 5 169 700 (47·5%) 209 599 (20·4%) 118 164 (34·7%) 62 417 (36·6%) 118 594 (37·0%) 1 854 934 (40·7%)
3–5 6 166 295 (35·7%) 3 762 179 (34·6%) 430 932 (42·0%) 135 543 (39·8%) 69 564 (40·8%) 117 587 (36·7%) 1 650 490 (36·3%)
6–10 992 375 (5·7%) 443 780 (4·1%) 221 312 (21·6%) 50 678 (14·9%) 18 183 (10·7%) 39 841 (12·4%) 218 581 (4·8%)
≥11 169 045 (1·0%) 75 056 (0·7%) 41 039 (4·0%) 6486 (1·9%) 3475 (2·0%) 14 228 (4·4%) 28 761 (0·6%)
Unknown 2 427 409 (14·0%) 1 427 263 (13·1%) 122 437 (11·9%) 30 041 (8·8%) 16 845 (9·9%) 30 538 (9·5%) 800 285 (17·6%)
Number of general practitioner consultations in the 12 months before baseline 3·0 (0·0–8·0) 4·0 (1·0–8·0) 3·0 (0·0–8·0) 3·0 (0·0–7·0) 2·0 (0·0–7·0) 1·0 (0·0–5·0) 2·0 (0·0–7·0)
Smoking status
Never* 8 653 213 (50·1%) 4 882 899 (44·9%) 751 034 (73·2%) 232 984 (68·3%) 96 363 (56·5%) 208 450 (65·0%) 2 481 483 (54·5%)
Former 5 683 564 (32·9%) 4 037 473 (37·1%) 159 103 (15·5%) 63 290 (18·6%) 39 798 (23·3%) 58 768 (18·3%) 1 325 132 (29·1%)
Current 2 951 755 (17·1%) 1 957 606 (18·0%) 115 182 (11·2%) 44 638 (13·1%) 34 323 (20·1%) 53 570 (16·7%) 746 436 (16·4%)
BMI, kg/m2 27·4 (5·7) 27·5 (5·7) 26·6 (5·1) 28·0 (5·7) 26·8 (5·7) 25·2 (5·1) 27·7 (5·9)
BMI category, with adjustment for South Asian populations
Underweight 294 735 (1·7%) 180 046 (1·7%) 26 124 (2·5%) 5012 (1·5%) 3800 (2·2%) 11 844 (3·7%) 67 909 (1·5%)
Normal 4 571 011 (26·4%) 3 234 076 (29·7%) 176 170 (17·2%) 81 236 (23·8%) 53 668 (31·5%) 120 216 (37·5%) 905 645 (19·9%)
Overweight 4 666 217 (27·0%) 3 218 869 (29·6%) 313 478 (30·6%) 97 270 (28·5%) 42 901 (25·2%) 71 463 (22·3%) 922 236 (20·3%)
Obese I 2 457 922 (14·2%) 1 633 030 (15·0%) 212 808 (20·8%) 54 909 (16·1%) 20 662 (12·1%) 27 228 (8·5%) 509 285 (11·2%)
Obese II 949 367 (5·5%) 631 273 (5·8%) 71 428 (7·0%) 21 383 (6·3%) 7825 (4·6%) 8355 (2·6%) 209 103 (4·6%)
Obese III 474 090 (2·7%) 318 199 (2·9%) 28 812 (2·8%) 10 282 (3·0%) 4076 (2·4%) 3505 (1·1%) 109 216 (2·4%)
Unknown 3 875 190 (22·4%) 1 662 485 (15·3%) 196 499 (19·2%) 70 820 (20·8%) 37 552 (22·0%) 78 177 (24·4%) 1 829 657 (40·2%)
HbA1c, % 5·9 (1·0) 5·8 (1·0) 6·1 (1·2) 6·0 (1·2) 5·9 (1·1) 5·8 (1·0) 5·9 (1·0)
HbA1c, mmol/mol 41·0 (92·7) 40·4 (62·2) 44·3 (218·2) 42·8 (138·9) 40·5 (12·0) 40·2 (10·7) 41·4 (101·9)
HbA1c category
<6·5% 6 706 373 (38·8%) 4 546 662 (41·8%) 424 221 (41·4%) 127 134 (37·3%) 54 728 (32·1%) 92 552 (28·9%) 1 461 076 (32·1%)
6·5–7·4% 582 059 (3·4%) 350 237 (3·2%) 64 385 (6·3%) 15 294 (4·5%) 4500 (2·6%) 7680 (2·4%) 139 963 (3·1%)
7·5–7·9% 155 580 (0·9%) 94 158 (0·9%) 17 117 (1·7%) 3376 (1·0%) 1144 (0·7%) 1825 (0·6%) 37 960 (0·8%)
8·0–8·9% 168 963 (1·0%) 103 062 (0·9%) 18 312 (1·8%) 3558 (1·0%) 1226 (0·7%) 1965 (0·6%) 40 840 (0·9%)
≥9·0% 190 305 (1·1%) 115 910 (1·1%) 21 060 (2·1%) 5415 (1·6%) 1686 (1·0%) 2215 (0·7%) 44 019 (1·0%)
Unknown 9 485 252 (54·9%) 5 667 949 (52·1%) 480 224 (46·8%) 186 135 (54·6%) 107 200 (62·9%) 214 551 (66·9%) 2 829 193 (62·1%)
Blood pressure (mm Hg)
Systolic 128·0 (15·7) 128·3 (15·5) 123·8 (15·4) 127·1 (16·0) 124·0 (15·3) 122·5 (15·4) 129·0 (15·9)
Diastolic 76·8 (9·9) 76·8 (9·8) 76·5 (9·7) 78·0 (10·3) 76·6 (10·1) 75·8 (10·0) 76·7 (10·0)
Blood pressure category
Normal 2 653 823 (15·4%) 1 719 408 (15·8%) 211 095 (20·6%) 56 786 (16·7%) 32 711 (19·2%) 57 475 (17·9%) 576 348 (12·7%)
Elevated 1 818 544 (10·5%) 1 225 760 (11·3%) 99 291 (9·7%) 32 093 (9·4%) 15 713 (9·2%) 23 598 (7·4%) 422 089 (9·3%)
High, stage I 4 270 604 (24·7%) 2 880 135 (26·5%) 238 962 (23·3%) 80 605 (23·6%) 35 154 (20·6%) 53 458 (16·7%) 982 290 (21·6%)
High, stage II 3 010 178 (17·4%) 2 025 395 (18·6%) 120 401 (11·7%) 54 017 (15·8%) 19 008 (11·1%) 26 433 (8·2%) 764 924 (16·8%)
Unknown 5 535 383 (32·0%) 3 027 280 (27·8%) 355 570 (34·7%) 117 411 (34·4%) 67 898 (39·8%) 159 824 (49·8%) 1 807 400 (39·7%)
Type 1 diabetes 88 294 (0·5%) 59 940 (0·6%) 2508 (0·2%) 1363 (0·4%) 637 (0·4%) 637 (0·2%) 23 209 (0·5%)
Type 2 diabetes 1 234 858 (7·1%) 747 798 (6·9%) 135 741 (13·2%) 31 590 (9·3%) 9603 (5·6%) 15 527 (4·8%) 294 599 (6·5%)
Diagnosed hypertension 3 703 816 (21·4%) 2 437 571 (22·4%) 173 237 (16·9%) 69 524 (20·4%) 20 712 (12·1%) 31 706 (9·9%) 971 066 (21·3%)
Chronic heart disease 1 193 155 (6·9%) 803 572 (7·4%) 53 903 (5·3%) 11 092 (3·3%) 4731 (2·8%) 8136 (2·5%) 311 721 (6·8%)
Stroke 368 707 (2·1%) 249 742 (2·3%) 12 429 (1·2%) 4373 (1·3%) 1495 (0·9%) 2161 (0·7%) 98 507 (2·2%)
Chronic kidney disease 978 300 (5·7%) 647 085 (5·9%) 27 979 (2·7%) 15 042 (4·4%) 3787 (2·2%) 4782 (1·5%) 279 625 (6·1%)
End-stage renal failure 25 348 (0·1%) 14 615 (0·1%) 2410 (0·2%) 878 (0·3%) 219 (0·1%) 352 (0·1%) 6874 (0·2%)
Cancer 979 433 (5·7%) 684 824 (6·3%) 19 868 (1·9%) 9249 (2·7%) 3718 (2·2%) 6640 (2·1%) 255 134 (5·6%)
Autoimmune disease 889 832 (5·1%) 615 132 (5·7%) 37 348 (3·6%) 6912 (2·0%) 4988 (2·9%) 7504 (2·3%) 217 948 (4·8%)
Immunosuppression 93 162 (0·5%) 54 143 (0·5%) 4602 (0·4%) 10 087 (3·0%) 2118 (1·2%) 1425 (0·4%) 20 787 (0·5%)
Chronic liver disease 104 781 (0·6%) 69 901 (0·6%) 5677 (0·6%) 3035 (0·9%) 894 (0·5%) 2445 (0·8%) 22 829 (0·5%)
Dementia 34 169 (0·2%) 22 855 (0·2%) 1199 (0·1%) 538 (0·2%) 106 (0·1%) 195 (0·1%) 9276 (0·2%)
Neurological disease 169 483 (1·0%) 116 300 (1·1%) 5803 (0·6%) 1951 (0·6%) 888 (0·5%) 1163 (0·4%) 43 378 (1·0%)
Asthma 2 663 321 (15·4%) 1 790 975 (16·5%) 125 745 (12·3%) 37 351 (11·0%) 25 776 (15·1%) 22 406 (7·0%) 661 068 (14·5%)
Chronic respiratory disease 718 047 (4·2%) 527 265 (4·8%) 17 435 (1·7%) 5003 (1·5%) 2274 (1·3%) 3520 (1·1%) 162 550 (3·6%)

Data are mean (SD), n (%), or median (IQR). BMI=body-mass index. HbA1c=glycated haemoglobin.


Including those with missing data.

Defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min per 1·73 m2.