A) Cell numbers after plating 4 × 10
3 ROCK1wt and ROCK1nc MEFs at daily intervals up to 4 days. Means ± standard deviation, n = 5 independent replicates. (
B) Example images used for high content analysis. F-actin staining with Oregon Green conjugated phalloidin, phosphorylated myosin light chain (MLC) (Ser19) staining with mouse primary antibody and AF594-conjugated (red) goat anti-mouse secondary antibody. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). High content image analysis of ROCK1wt and ROCK1nc MEFs was performed using an Operetta high content imaging system as described in
George et al., 2007 to determine (
C) nuclear area, (
D) nuclear roundness, (
E) nuclear width, (
F) nuclear length, (
G) nuclear width to length ratio, (
H) cell area, (
I) cell roundness, (
J) cell width, (
K) cell length and (
L) cell width to length ratio. Means ± SEM, n = 3 independent replicates.