Numbers of (A) red blood cells, (B) white blood cells, (C) neutrophils, (D) lymphocytes, (E) monocytes, (F) eosinophils, or (G) platelets in ROCK1wt or ROCK1nc mice 10 weeks (ROCK1wt n = 11 mice; ROCK1nc n = 10 mice) or 1 year (ROCK1wt n = 9 mice; ROCK1nc n = 15 mice) after birth. Boxes indicate upper and lower quartiles and median, whiskers indicate 5–95% percentiles. (H) Spleen to body mass ratios and (I) liver to body mass ratios for ROCK1wt (n = 15 mice) and ROCK1nc (n = 18 mice) 1 year after birth. Boxes indicate upper and lower quartiles and median, whiskers indicate 5–95% percentiles.