FIG 1.
Genome-wide RECQ1-regulated transcripts are significantly enriched for estrogen-responsive genes. (A and B) RNA-seq was performed from total RNA isolated from MCF7 cells transfected for 48 h with CTL, RECQ1, or ESR1 siRNAs. IGV snapshots for the RECQ1 and ESR1 loci (A) and the numbers of genes differentially expressed upon RECQ1 knockdown (B) are shown. (C and D) Volcano plots from the RNA-seq data showing significant differential gene expression upon knockdown of RECQ1 or ESR1 in MCF7 cells. Red and green dots correspond to genes up- or downregulated, respectively. (E and F) GSEA was performed using RNA-seq data for RECQ1 or ESR1 knockdown in MCF7 cells. The data show significant enrichment of estrogen response early and late genes in genes downregulated upon RECQ1 (E) or ESR1 (F) knockdown in MCF7 cells. (G) Venn diagram for the comparison of the number of genes downregulated upon knockdown of RECQ1 or ESR1 in the RNA-seq from MCF7 cells.