Table 1.
Characteristics of Cases with LAP Following COVID-19 Vaccination
First Author (Ref) | Region | Study design (N) | Population Characteristics (age) | Vaccine Type (dosage) | Location of LAP |
Becker et al. (22) | USA | Special Report (n=2) |
1) Female with breast focal lesion (41y/o) 2) Male with smoldering myeloma (60y/o) |
1) NR† 2) NR |
1) Lt. axillary, CT‡ 2) Lt. axillary |
Mehta et al. (38) | USA | Case Series (n=4) | 1) Female with palpable lump* (59y/o) 2) Female, routine breast screening* (42y/o) 3) Female with suspicious benign breast masses (42y/o) 4) Female, routine breast screening (57y/o) |
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) 2) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 3) Moderna (1st) 4) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) |
1) Lt. axillary, CT 2) Multiple Lt. axillary, CT 3) Lt. axillary, CT 4) Lt. axillary, CT |
Washington et al. (40) | USA | Editorial: Images in Radiology (n=1) | 1) Female with palpable Lt. supraclavicular LAP (37y/o) | 1) Moderna (1st) | 1) Lt. axillary and supraclavicular, CT |
Mortazavi et al. (18) | USA | Short report: Retrospective HIPAA††Compliant Study (n=23) | Twenty-three females, including BIRADS-2§ (n=1), BIRADS-3 (n=21), BIRADS-4 (n=1) (49±21y/o) | Moderna (n=5) Pfizer-BioNTech (n=12) NR (n=6) |
Axillary regions |
Edmonds et al. (37) | USA | Clinical Perspective (n=2) |
1) Female with BRCA1 mutation carrier* (48y/o) 2) Female, Diagnostic follow-up breast MRI* (33y/o) |
NR | 1) Lt. axillary, CT 2) Lt. axillary |
Özütemiz et al. (39) | USA | Case series: Retrospective HIPAA-Compliant Study (n=5) |
1) Female with Lt. intraparotid mass (metastatic lymph node with malignant melanoma) (32y/o) 2) Female* (57y/o) 3) Male with oligometastatic myxoid liposarcoma of the Lt. thigh (41y/o) 4) Female with Lt. triple-negative BC$ (46y/o) 5) Female with Lt. axillary pain*(38y/o) |
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 2) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 3) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 4) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 5) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) |
1) Multiple Lt. axillary 2) Lt. axillary, CT 3) Lt. axillary, CT 4) Multiple Lt. axillary, Lt. supraclavicular 5) Lt. axillary, CT |
Hiller et al. (19) | Israel | Case Report (n=3) | 1) Female presented with painless Lt. infraclavicular lump (47y/o) 2) Female presented with painful Lt. supraclavicular and axillary lump (46y/o) 3) Female with BRCA mutation carrier (42y/o) |
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) 2) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) 3) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) |
1) Lt. infraclavicular 2) Multiple Lt. axillary, supraclavicular, and low lateral neck 3) Lt. axillary |
Ahn et al. (20) | USA | Editorial: Images in Cardiothoracic imaging (n=3) | 1) Male (32y/o) 2) Female (34y/o) 3) Female (39y/o) |
1) mRNA COVID-19 (2nd) 2) mRNA COVID-19 (1st) 3) mRNA COVID-19(NR) |
1) Lt. axillary 2) Lt. axillary, CT 3) Lt. axillary |
Nawwar et al. (41) | UK | Images of the month (n=1) | 1) Female with oligosecretory myeloma (76y/o) | 1) Oxford-AstraZeneca (NR) | 1) Lt. axillary |
Mitchell et al. (42) | UK | Short Communication (n = 2) |
1) Female (47y/o) 2) Female (55y/o) |
NR | 1) Lt. supraclavicular 2) Lt. supraclavicular |
Eifer et al. (43) | Israel | Images in Radiology (n = 1) | 1) Female with BC (HER2 positive) (72y/o) | 1) Pfizer-BioNTech (NR) | 1) Rt. axillary |
Hanneman et al. (21) | Canada | Images in Radiology (n = 1) | 1) Female (56y/o) | 1) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) | 1) Lt. axillary |
Xu et al. (44) | USA | Interesting Image (n = 1) | 1) Male with mantle cell lymphoma (72y/o) | 1) mRNA COVID-19(NR) | 1) Lt. axillary |
Cellina et al. (36) | Italy | Letter to the editor (n = 2) | 1) Female with painful, enlarged LAP (60y/o) 2) Female with headache and painful LAP (45y/o) |
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) 2) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) |
1) Lt. axillary, CT 2) Rt. axillary, CT |
Mclntosh et al. (26) | USA | Clinical Perspective (n = 6) | 1) Female with BC (40y/o) 2) Female with BC (72y/o) 3) Female with solitary pulmonary nodule (72y/o) 4) Female (40 y/o) 5) Male with lung cancer (squamous cell) (59y/o) 6) Female with treated cervical cancer (68y/o) |
1) Moderna (NR) 2) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st) 3) NR (2nd) 4) Moderna (NR) 5) NR 6) Moderna (NR) |
1) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular, and cervical 2) Rt. axillary 3) Rt. axillary, CT 4) Lt. axillary 5) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular, and cervical 6) Lt. axillary, CT |
Lehman et al. (45) | USA | Original Research (n = 7) | 1) Female with invasive ductal BC (BIRADS II) (52y/o) 2) Female, routine breast screening* (BIRADS II) (33y/o) 3) Male with lung cancer (64y/o) (Lung-RADS II) 4) Female with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (70y/o) 5) Female with cutaneous melanoma (51y/o) 6) Female with metastatic squamous cell lung cancer (stage IV) (59y/o) 7) Female with suspicious mammography* (42y/o) |
1) Moderna (2nd) 2) Moderna (2nd) 3) Moderna (1st) 4) Moderna (2nd) 5) Moderna (1st) 6) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 7) Moderna (1st) |
1) Lt. axillary 2) Lt. axillary 3) Lt. axillary 4) Lt. axillary 5) Lt. axillary and subpectoral 6) Lt. axillary 7) Lt. axillary, CT |
Avner et al. (46) | Israel | Images of the month (n=1) | 1) Male with BRAF-mutant melanoma of right thigh with multiple metastases organs (57y/o) | 1) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) | 1) Lt. axillary |
Moghimi et al. (47) | Canada | Interesting Image (n = 1) | 1) Male with melanoma of right arm (71y/o) | NR | 1) Lt. axillary |
Johnson et al. (48) | USA | Letter to the editor (n = 2) | 1) Female with left side parotid malignancy (secretory carcinoma) 2) Female with oral cavity SCC$$ |
1) Moderna (1st) 2) NR (1st) |
1) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular 2) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular |
Noted - Lt.: Left, Rt.: Right.
Not reported.
Cortical thickness.
The patient has a positive family history of breast cancer.
Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.
Breast cancer.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma.