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. 2021 May 1;28(8):1058–1071. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2021.04.007

Table 1.

Characteristics of Cases with LAP Following COVID-19 Vaccination

First Author (Ref) Region Study design (N) Population Characteristics (age) Vaccine Type (dosage) Location of LAP
Becker et al. (22) USA Special Report
1) Female with breast focal lesion (41y/o)
2) Male with smoldering myeloma (60y/o)
1) NR
2) NR
1) Lt. axillary, CT
2) Lt. axillary
Mehta et al. (38) USA Case Series (n=4) 1) Female with palpable lump* (59y/o)
2) Female, routine breast screening* (42y/o)
3) Female with suspicious benign breast masses (42y/o)
4) Female, routine breast screening (57y/o)
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
2) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
3) Moderna (1st)
4) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
1) Lt. axillary, CT
2) Multiple Lt. axillary, CT
3) Lt. axillary, CT
4) Lt. axillary, CT
Washington et al. (40) USA Editorial: Images in Radiology (n=1) 1) Female with palpable Lt. supraclavicular LAP (37y/o) 1) Moderna (1st) 1) Lt. axillary and supraclavicular, CT
Mortazavi et al. (18) USA Short report: Retrospective HIPAA††Compliant Study (n=23) Twenty-three females, including BIRADS-2§ (n=1), BIRADS-3 (n=21), BIRADS-4 (n=1) (49±21y/o) Moderna (n=5)
Pfizer-BioNTech (n=12)
NR (n=6)
Axillary regions
Edmonds et al. (37) USA Clinical Perspective
1) Female with BRCA1 mutation carrier* (48y/o)
2) Female, Diagnostic follow-up breast MRI* (33y/o)
NR 1) Lt. axillary, CT
2) Lt. axillary
Özütemiz et al. (39) USA Case series: Retrospective HIPAA-Compliant Study
1) Female with Lt. intraparotid mass (metastatic lymph node with malignant melanoma) (32y/o)
2) Female* (57y/o)
3) Male with oligometastatic myxoid liposarcoma of the Lt. thigh (41y/o)
4) Female with Lt. triple-negative BC$ (46y/o)
5) Female with Lt. axillary pain*(38y/o)
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
2) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
3) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
4) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
5) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
1) Multiple Lt. axillary
2) Lt. axillary, CT
3) Lt. axillary, CT
4) Multiple Lt. axillary, Lt. supraclavicular
5) Lt. axillary, CT
Hiller et al. (19) Israel Case Report (n=3) 1) Female presented with painless Lt. infraclavicular lump (47y/o)
2) Female presented with painful Lt. supraclavicular and axillary lump (46y/o)
3) Female with BRCA mutation carrier (42y/o)
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
2) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
3) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
1) Lt. infraclavicular
2) Multiple Lt. axillary, supraclavicular, and low lateral neck
3) Lt. axillary
Ahn et al. (20) USA Editorial: Images in Cardiothoracic imaging (n=3) 1) Male (32y/o)
2) Female (34y/o)
3) Female (39y/o)
1) mRNA COVID-19 (2nd)
2) mRNA COVID-19 (1st)
3) mRNA COVID-19(NR)
1) Lt. axillary
2) Lt. axillary, CT
3) Lt. axillary
Nawwar et al. (41) UK Images of the month (n=1) 1) Female with oligosecretory myeloma (76y/o) 1) Oxford-AstraZeneca (NR) 1) Lt. axillary
Mitchell et al. (42) UK Short Communication
(n = 2)
1) Female (47y/o)
2) Female (55y/o)
NR 1) Lt. supraclavicular
2) Lt. supraclavicular
Eifer et al. (43) Israel Images in Radiology (n = 1) 1) Female with BC (HER2 positive) (72y/o) 1) Pfizer-BioNTech (NR) 1) Rt. axillary
Hanneman et al. (21) Canada Images in Radiology (n = 1) 1) Female (56y/o) 1) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 1) Lt. axillary
Xu et al. (44) USA Interesting Image (n = 1) 1) Male with mantle cell lymphoma (72y/o) 1) mRNA COVID-19(NR) 1) Lt. axillary
Cellina et al. (36) Italy Letter to the editor (n = 2) 1) Female with painful, enlarged LAP (60y/o)
2) Female with headache and painful LAP (45y/o)
1) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
2) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
1) Lt. axillary, CT
2) Rt. axillary, CT
Mclntosh et al. (26) USA Clinical Perspective (n = 6) 1) Female with BC (40y/o)
2) Female with BC (72y/o)
3) Female with solitary pulmonary nodule (72y/o)
4) Female (40 y/o)
5) Male with lung cancer (squamous cell) (59y/o)
6) Female with treated cervical cancer (68y/o)
1) Moderna (NR)
2) Pfizer-BioNTech (1st)
3) NR (2nd)
4) Moderna (NR)
5) NR
6) Moderna (NR)
1) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular, and cervical
2) Rt. axillary
3) Rt. axillary, CT
4) Lt. axillary
5) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular, and cervical
6) Lt. axillary, CT
Lehman et al. (45) USA Original Research (n = 7) 1) Female with invasive ductal BC (BIRADS II) (52y/o)
2) Female, routine breast screening* (BIRADS II) (33y/o)
3) Male with lung cancer (64y/o) (Lung-RADS II)
4) Female with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (70y/o)
5) Female with cutaneous melanoma (51y/o)
6) Female with metastatic squamous cell lung cancer (stage IV) (59y/o)
7) Female with suspicious mammography* (42y/o)
1) Moderna (2nd)
2) Moderna (2nd)
3) Moderna (1st)
4) Moderna (2nd)
5) Moderna (1st)
6) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd)
7) Moderna (1st)
1) Lt. axillary
2) Lt. axillary
3) Lt. axillary
4) Lt. axillary
5) Lt. axillary and subpectoral
6) Lt. axillary
7) Lt. axillary, CT
Avner et al. (46) Israel Images of the month (n=1) 1) Male with BRAF-mutant melanoma of right thigh with multiple metastases organs (57y/o) 1) Pfizer-BioNTech (2nd) 1) Lt. axillary
Moghimi et al. (47) Canada Interesting Image (n = 1) 1) Male with melanoma of right arm (71y/o) NR 1) Lt. axillary
Johnson et al. (48) USA Letter to the editor (n = 2) 1) Female with left side parotid malignancy (secretory carcinoma)
2) Female with oral cavity SCC$$
1) Moderna (1st)
2) NR (1st)
1) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular
2) Lt. axillary, supraclavicular

Noted - Lt.: Left, Rt.: Right.

Not reported.

Cortical thickness.

The patient has a positive family history of breast cancer.


Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System.


Breast cancer.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


Squamous Cell Carcinoma.