Characteristic features of retrolental vitreous in 3-D SS-OCT images. Cross-sectional images and projection images of the anterior vitreous. (A) From a 17 year old subject, OD. (B) From a 29 year old subject, OS. (C) From a 40 year old subject, OS. (D) From a 47 year old subject, OD. (E) From a 47 year old subject, OS. (F) From a 58 year old subject, OD. (G) From a 71 year old subject, OS. (H) From a 78 year old subject, OD. Dashed lines represent section direction. White arrows indicate laminar structures. The red arrow indicates the Berger's space. The yellow arrows denote fiber-like opacities. The yellow asterisks indicate lacunae with liquid vitreous. The white asterisks correspond to the gel vitreous. T = temporal, N = nasal, S = superior, I = inferior. Scale bar = 1 mm.