Table 1.
New strategies for obesity management during the COVID-19 pandemic
Strategies to reduce direct exposure during group therapy − Limited number of participants − Adequate space/people ratio (2 m2 each) − Priority for access to the most clinically urgent obese patients (eating disorders, need for weight loss prior to surgery, type 2 diabetes decompensated) − No access to patients who are most at risk in the case of SARS-CoV-2 infection (age >70 years, chronic respiratory diseases, oncological diseases in the last 12 months, immunosuppression) − Training patients on the hygiene and health standards to follow during group therapy − Detection of cases of infection by check points at the entrance of the hospital − Security distance of at least 1 m apart between patients both in the waiting area and during group therapy − Sanitising of environments and tools after each use, according to standardised procedures − Use of individual safety devices |
Web-based strategies to control eating behaviour − Participation in virtual races or activity challenges (e.g., mindful eating, intuitive eating) − Virtual social support groups − Web-based healthy meal ideas, cooking tips, and ideas for modifying recipes for pantry items |
Strategies to maintain adequate food intake and dietary quality − Weighing once a week − Eating vegetables, fruits, and pulses on a daily base − Limit the intake of free sugars and processed/ultra-processed foods − Avoid alcoholic drinks − Prepare a shopping list and a cooking plan − Follow-up by implementation of telenutrition |
Strategies to maintain physical activity − Exercise at home (or outside but in respect of safety measures) on a daily base, to counteract sedentary behaviours − Alternation of combined physical activity or concurrent training (a mix of aerobic and rehabilitative exercise on the same day) − Follow-up by new communication technologies |