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. 2021 Mar 24;36(2):220–228. doi: 10.3803/EnM.2021.107

Table 1.

Randomized Controlled Trials for Digital-Based Interventions for Obesity and Eating Behavior Problems from 2017 to 2020

Study Population Study design Delivery digital device Outcomes Adherence (estimated), %

Intervention Duration Control Smartphone Web Wearable BW Anthropometrics LT BT Psych
Spring et al. (2017) [18] Adults with obesity (n=96) Technology-supported (TECH) 6 mo Self-guided (SELF), standard (STND) O O X Δ ↓↓ - - - O

Nezami et al. (2018) [16] Mother with overweight & obesity, a child ages 3–5 yr (n=51) Smart group (mobile supported) 6 mo Placebo O X X ↓↓ - - - - 85

Spring et al. (2018) [19] Adults age 18–65 yr (n=212) Temporally simultaneous intervention 12 wk Sequential (digital sham), control O X X - - - Δ - 82

Kim et al. (2019) [20] Old adults (mean age 60) with diabetes (n=136) Mobile-based glucose diary 24 wk Usual care (paper diary) O X X X X ↓↓ - X -

Fitzsimmons-Craft et al. (2020) [17] Women with eating disorders (n=690) CBT-guided Self-help 8 mo Usual care O X X - - - ↓↓ 31

Lowe et al. (2020) [21] Women+Men adults with BMI 27–43 (n=141) Time-restricted eating 12 wk Consistent meal timing O X O X LBM ↓↓ X - X 84

Kim et al. (2020) [15] Overweight and obese women adults (n=70) Human-based digital CBT 8 wk Self-help using app (digital sham) O O X ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ 80

BW, body weight; LT, lab test; BT, behavioral test; Psych, psychological assessment; O, used; X, no difference; Δ, mixed results among the measures; ↓↓, (statistically) significantly decreased; −, not assessed; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; ↓, reported decreasing trend; BMI, body mass index; LBM, lean body mass.