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. 2021 Feb 19;42(8):2490–2507. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25382


Patient characteristics

Study ID Group Age Sex Sfree Type Lat Loc Onset Dur Familial history Birth complications FC Known neurological issues Radiological MRI findings
FBIP02 Re 32 M CFTB R T 0 32 N N Y Meningitis when baby None
FBIP03 Re 33 M SFTB L F 16 17 N N N None
FBIP04 Re 21 F F R F 1.5 19.5 N Emergency c‐section Y None
FBIP05 Re 34 M F U F 13 21 N N N Fluid effusion seen in the mastoid air cells, more on the right side
FBIP06 Re 18 M CF L F 10 8 N N N Scattered T2 white matter focal hyperintensities, seen mainly in the subcortical white matter of the frontal lobes bilaterally
FBIP07 Re 51 M F U T 14 37 N N Y Encephalitis when infant Increased T2 signal with loss of volume of the body and tail of the hippocampi bilaterally. Likely bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis
FBIP08 nRe 26 M 2 SFTB U U 24 2 N N N None
FBIP09 nRe 48 F 3 SFTB R T 12 36 N N N Pineal cyst measuring about 1.2 cm in maximum dimension, a few scattered tiny foci of T2 hyperintensity seen in the subcortical and deep white matter of the frontal lobes bilaterally. Mega cisterna magna (incidental)
FBIP10 Re 50 F CFTB U U 18 32 N N N Slight upward convexity of the upper margin of the pituitary (incidental)
FBIP11 Re 32 M CFTB R T 23 9 N N N Quadrigeminal plate lipoma, mega cisterna magna (incidental)
FBIP12 Re 51 F CF R T 11 40 Y N N Slightly increased T2 hyperintensity in right hippocampus, subtle hippocampal volume asymmetry. Suspicion of right mesial temporal sclerosis
FBIP13 nRe 24 F 3 R T 21 3 N N N Temporal horn of the right lateral ventricle slightly more prominent compared to the left; no evidence of mesial temporal sclerosis
FBIP14 Re 36 F CFTB U U 20 16 N N N Borderline loss of cerebellar volume
FBIP15 Re 38 F CFTB L F 17 21 Y N N Lesion seen at the posterior aspect of the left frontal lobe; mild generalized loss of cerebellar volume
FBIP16 Re 48 F CFTB U T 10 38 N N N None
FBIP17 Re 41 F CFTB U U 27 14 N Premature N Focal encephalomalacia/gliosis seen in the left lateral orbital gyrus, anterior aspect of the left temporal lobe; borderline loss of cerebellar volume
FBIP18 nRe 33 M 1 CFTB U U 29 4 N N N 10 mm × 6 mm dural‐based structure seen at the left posterior temporal/occipitotemporal region; appearances compatible with meningioma
FBIP19 Re 28 M R T 13 15 N N N Right hippocampus sclerosis
FBIP20 nRe 46 F 1.5 CFTB U U 22 24 N N N Upward convexity of the upper margin of the pituitary (incidental)
FBIP21 nRe 60 M 1 SFTB U R 56 4 Y N N None
FBIP22 nRe 38 F 5 SFTB R T 30 8 U U N/K Poss encephalitis—not confirmed None
FBIP24 Re 58 F SFTB U U 11 47 N U N Right‐sided subependymal gray matter heterotopia along ventricular trigone and temporal and occipital horns of lateral ventricle Polymicrogyria extending from the periventricular heterotopic gray matter Additional closed lip schizencephaly and dysplasia Right‐sided cerebellar volume loss. Cerebellar atrophy
FBIP25 nRe 44 M 5 SFTB R T 39 5 N N N Car accident when 15, brain injury Encephalomalacia/gliosis in the left gyrus rectus and medial orbital gyrus. Focal damage in right temporal pole. Small focus of gliosis/encephalomalacia is close to left temporal bone. Mild periventricular T2 hyperintensity adjacent to the left ventricular trigone/supratrigonal white matter
FBIP26 nRe 26 M 2 CFTB U T 21 5 Y N N Right hippocampus marginally smaller than the left
FBIP27 nRe 29 F 3 CF U U 22 7 N N N None
FBIP28 nRe 35 M 2 CFTB R F 31 4 N N N Accident when 11, brain injury Encephalomalacia/gliotic changes in right frontal lobe extending to left frontal lobe. Some anterior corpus callosum volume loss. Gliotic/encephalomalacia changes in the left parietal lobe. Subtle volume loss of right temporal pole
FBIP29 nRe 59 F 4.5 SFTB U U 54 5 N 3 months premature Y Mild‐to‐moderate small vessel ischaemia
FBIP30 nRe 54 M 11 SFTB L T 43 11 N Spina bifida, hydocephalus Y Hydrocephalus when born Right‐sided frontal porencephalic cyst with surrounding gliotic changes Smaller porencephalic cyst in the left frontal lobe. Atrophy of the anterior aspect of the body of the corpus callosum Mild enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles secondary white matter volume loss.
FBIP31 nRe 51 F 3 SFTB L F 48 3 U U N Gliosis of anterior left superior frontal gyrus Mild generalized brain volume loss. Mild small vessel type ischaemic changes in white matter adjacent to anterior aspect of right lateral ventricle
FBIP32 nRe 38 F 0.75 CFTB U U 36 2.5 Y N N Enlarged ventricles Heterotopic subependymal gray matter nodules seen along the body of the right lateral ventricle

Abbreviations: CF, complex focal seizures; CFTB, complex focal to bilateral seizures; Dur, duration of epilepsy; F, focal seizures (unknown whether simple or complex); FC, febrile seizures; FH, family history of epilepsy; Fr, frontal; L, left; Lat, lateralization (left / right); Loc, localization (lobar); N, no; nRe, nonrefractory; Re, refractory; R, right; SF, simple focal seizures; SFree, number of years seizure free; SFTB, simple focal to bilateral seizures; T, temporal; U, unresolved; Y, yes.