Influence of the 12-bp symmetrical region and the intermediate spacer region with CRETre(R) (AAAGCT-Yx-AGCTTT) on CcpA protein regulation
(A) Construction of recombination fragments (fragment I1, fragment I2, fragment I3, fragment I4, fragment I5, and fragment I6) harboring the CRETre(R) with different intermediate spacer length or different 12-bp symmetrical region.
(B) Two fragments that change the intermediate spacer region and three fragments that change the 12-bp symmetrical region are derived from tre(R)-26-1 fragment, the intermediate spacer region with black and the 12-bp symmetrical region with red.
(C) EMSA of CcpA protein binding to six fragments (fragment I1, fragment I2, fragment I3, fragment I4, fragment I5, and fragment I6) that carry different CRETre(R) sites.