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. 2021 Mar 26;87(8):e02889-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02889-20

FIG 6.


Defensive effect of hlyR4 against heterologous halocin(s) and extracellular protease(s) from haloarchaea. (A) Proteolytic and antagonistic activity of Haloferax sp. strain Q22 and Haloarchaeobius sp. strain FL94 on skim milk nutrient agar plates and on a Halorubrum sp. strain LN10 indicator plate, respectively. (B) Growth of Haloferax sp. strain Q22 and Haloarchaeobius sp. strain FL94 on indicator plates containing Hfx. mediterranei strain EPS, Hfx. mediterranei strain EPSR, and Hfx. mediterranei strain EPSR-R4, an hlyR4 complementation strain of the hlyR4 deletion mutant.