Fig. 7.
Venn diagram for drugs currently in clinical trials (from [27]), included in CNE hypothesis networks, or predicted in [5]. a All drugs (excluding drug combinations). b Subset of drugs represented in our model. We find that 54 of the 466 drugs present in hypothesis networks are among the 110 drugs currently in clinical trials, and accessible in the ML model. Drugs present in hypothesis networks are strongly enriched in the set of clinical trial drugs (odds ratio: 4.35, FET p value: 8.10 ), and predicted drugs that are also in clinical trials, are enriched in the subset of drugs that are in multiple () clinical trials (odds ratio: 4.69, FET p value: 0.00291). We compare our results to the set of 100 top-scoring drugs predicted by Gysi et al. [4] based on their consensus model, and added the corresponding numbers to the Venn diagrams. The number of clinical trial drugs among predicted drugs is 24 in their approach, while it is 54 in ours. 28 drugs predicted by Gysi et al. [4] are also found in hypothesis networks, and 8 of those drugs are at the same time present in the clinical trial set