Fig. 4.
Light microscopy images of human CF (Baker IV) and murine capsules at day 30 and 90. Light microscopy (toluidine blue staining) of human capsular sections, Baker IV (a and c) are compared to murine capsular sections at day 90 (b and d). The capsular surface directed to the implant (inner surface) is indicated with (i). Comparable histology was found: The capsules are characterized by collagenous connective tissue building the core of the capsule and the presence of smooth muscle cells with cigar-shaped nuclei, as well as fibroblasts (arrows). Around the outer surface of the capsules, adipose tissue (crosses) and blood vessels (asterisks) can be noticed. Blood vessels are present within the capsule as well (c). The capsular layer close to the inner surface is further characterized by lymphocytic infiltration (dark, round nuclei filled with chromatin)