Fig. 5.
DNA methylation-based classification and tumor purity evaluation. a Left: distribution of the adult diffuse lower-grade glioma (dLGG) cases (n = 166) by methylation class prediction score. The vertical dotted line shows the threshold value of ≥ 0.84 for assignment to an established methylation class. Right: median methylation class score values by methylation classes. Black dots represent individual tumor cases in each methylation class. b Left: distribution of dLGG cases (n = 166) by tumor purity score estimated with InfiniumPurify [27, 28]. Right: median tumor purity score values by methylation classes (n = 166). IDH glioma: glioma IDH-mutant. GBM: glioblastoma IDH-wildtype. CT: control tissue. UNC: unclassified (non-classifiable cases with a class prediction score threshold ≥ 0.30). Other methylation classes: low-grade glioma, MYB/MYBL1, (anaplastic) pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, low-grade glioma, ganglioglioma and plexus tumor, pediatric B