Loss of PfHMGB1 diminishes the centromere interactome. (A) Significant interactions among centromeres in WT, Pfhmgb1-KO, and Pfhmgb1-RC clones. Red lines represent interactions among genomic features. Interactions among centromeres were obviously reduced in Pfhmgb1-KO strain and back to the wild-type level in the Pfhmgb1-RC strain. (B) Statistical chart for interaction frequency among centromeres. Lines and error bars represent medians and 95% confidence intervals (CIs), respectively. Wilcoxon test, ***, P ≤ 0.001; NS, no significant change. (C) Significant interactions among telomeres in the WT and Pfhmgb1 KO. Red lines represent interactions among genomic features. There is no significant change in interactions among telomeres between WT and Pfhmgb1-KO strains. (D) Statistical chart for interaction frequency among telomeres. Lines and error bars represent medians with 95% CIs. Wilcoxon test, NS, no significant change.