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. 2021 Mar 5;2021(3):CD011246. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011246.pub2

Lydiatt 2013.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: randomised (2‐arm parallel randomised controlled clinical trial)
Sample size: 298
Method of randomisation: 1:1 ratio according to a randomisation table prepared by the study statistician
Method of concealment: centralised
Blinding: double‐blind
Analysis: per protocol
Date the study was conducted: January 2008 ‐ December 2011
Participants Location: USA
Total N randomised: 148
Intervention n: 74 (80 % male; age M = 63, SD = 11)
Control n: 74 (80 % male; age M = 63, SD = 13)
Inclusion criteria: > 18 years; newly diagnosed or recurrent stage II to IV epidermoid cancer of the head and neck
Diagnostic criteria ‐ long‐term physical condition: newly diagnosed or recurrent stage II to IV epidermoid cancer of the head and neck (no assessment specified)
Diagnostic criteria ‐ depression:
  • depression diagnosis assessed by the MINI depression and suicide modules;

  • clinician version of the QIDS (QIDS‐C): QIDS‐SR cut‐off score ≥ 11

Exclusion criteria: cognitively impaired; advanced cancer or other conditions that limited life expectancy to less than 6 months; met diagnostic criteria for psychosis, schizophrenia, or major depressive disorder; receiving treatment for depression or anxiety; persistent inability to verbally communicate; uncontrolled pain; currently participating in another research study involving a therapeutic intervention; were females of childbearing age who were pregnant, nursing, or not practicing a reliable method of birth control
History of depression: no information specified
Interventions Intervention: escitalopram
  • ≤ 1 week: daily dose of 10 mg

  • weeks 1‐15: daily dose of 20 mg

  • week 16: daily dose of 10 mg

Control: matched placebo
Duration of treatment: 16 weeks
Length of follow‐up: 28 weeks (baseline, at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 weeks)
Other study arms: no
Outcomes Primary outcome:
  • incidence of depression ‐ diagnosis: N/A

  • adverse events: total number of drop‐outs due to adverse events

Secondary outcome:
  • incidence of depression ‐ cut‐off: QIDS‐SR cut‐off score ≥ 11

  • severity of depression: N/A

  • cost‐effectiveness: N/A

  • cost‐utility: N/A

Notes Language: English
Funding: grant R01 MH079420 from the National Institute of Mental Health additional support was provided by a research support fund grant from the Nebraska Medical Center and the UNMC
Declaration of interest: Dr Lydiatt is on the head and neck panel for guideline development for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network but does not receive honorarium for participation in guideline development. Dr Burke has received grant support for his institution from Forest Research Institute and has served as a consultant to Forest and on their speakers’ bureau.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk "...patients were randomised by a pharmacist with no involvement in the evaluation in a 1:1 ratio to either escitalopram or matching placebo according to a randomisation table prepared by the study statistician" (p. 680)
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk "patients were randomised by a pharmacist with no involvement in the evaluation ..." (p. 680)
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk no information specified except for headline saying "...double‐blind ..."
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk no information specified except for headline saying "...double‐blind ..."
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes High risk numbers randomised: escitalopram: n = 74; placebo: n = 74; total: N = 148
number of drop‐outs at 28 weeks: escitalopram: n = 38; placebo: n = 30; total: N = 68
numbers analysed post‐intervention: escitalopram: n = 36; placebo: n = 44; total: N = 80
reasons for drop‐out (p. 681, fig. 1)
  • non‐evaluable (only baseline visit): adverse events, withdrew consent, need to take lorazepam, fear of adverse events, surgical complications

  • evaluable: adverse events, withdrew consent, unable to take medication in nursing home, recommendation to stop study by primary physician, death

  • non‐evaluable (only baseline visit): adverse events, withdrew consent, did not want to take medication

  • evaluable: adverse events, withdrew consent, unable to take medication in nursing home, need to take lorazepam, wants to continue to take antidepressant

Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk no protocol available
Other bias Unclear risk "patients were stratified by site (UNMC or NMCC), sex, stage (early [stage II] vs advanced [stage III/IV]), and primary modality of treatment (radiation with or without chemotherapy vs surgery [not biopsy] with or without radiation)" (p. 679)