Extended Data Figure 3. Cryo-EM data processing and validation for C144-S, C002-S, and C121-S complexes.
Representative micrograph (scale bar=100 nm) selected from total dataset (Supplementary Table 2), 2D class averages, gold-standard FSC plots, and local resolution estimations for a-c, C144-S 6P, d-f, C002-S 2P, and g-I, C121-S 2P. For the C002-S dataset, two classes were resolved: State 1, C002 Fabs bound to 3 “down” RBDs, and State 2, C002 Fabs bound to 2 “down”/1 “up” RBD. For the C121-S 2P dataset, two classes were resolved: State 1, C121 Fabs bound to 2 “down”/1 “up” RBD and State 2, C121 Fabs bound to 1 “down”/2 “up” RBDs.