4. Studies with tapering, included in comparison 2.
Study ID | Study design | Duration of AD treatment before randomisation | Inclusion criteria age | Main disorder | Duration of trial | Number | Intervention 1 | Duration of tapering | Intervention 2 | Co‐intervention |
Bialos 1982 | RCT | 3.7 years (0.5 to 8) | NR | history of MDD | 24 weeks | 19 | taper to placebo | 3 weeks | continuation ‐ amitriptyline | |
Bockting 2018 | RCT | ≥ 24 weeks | NR | in remission of MDD > 2 months and ≤ 2 years for ≥ 2 previous depressive episodes in the past 5 years | 104 weeks | 146 (intervention group split to allow multiple‐arm comparisons) | taper to "no placebo" | 4 weeks or longer (and within 24 weeks) | continuation ‐ different classes | PCT |
Cook 1986 | RCT | 12 to 192 months | NR | MDD and treated with a TCA for a year without evidence of reoccurrence of depressive symptoms warranting a change in therapy | 28 weeks | 18 | taper to placebo | 4 or 8 weeks | continuation ‐ TCA | |
Derubeis 2019 | 2‐phase RCT | mean 80.3 (40) weeks | ≥ 18 years | MDD either chronic (episode duration ≥ 2 years) or recurrent (with an episode in the past 3 years if only the second episode) | 156 weeks | 137 | taper to "no placebo" | 4 weeks or longer if clinically indicated (not specified) | continuation ‐ different classes | |
Derubeis 2019 | 2‐phase RCT | mean 80.3 (40) weeks | ≥ 18 years | MDD either chronic (episode duration ≥ 2 years) or recurrent (with an episode in the past 3 years if only the second episode) | 156 weeks | 155 | taper to "no placebo" | 4 weeks or longer if clinically indicated (not specified) | continuation ‐ different classes | CBT prerandomisation |
Huijbers 2016 | RCT | ≥ 24 weeks | ≥ 18 years | history of ≥ 3 depressive episodes and in full or partial remission | 65 weeks | 249 | taper to "no placebo" | 5 weeks | continuation ‐ different classes | MBCT |
Keller 1998 | 3‐phase RCT | 28 weeks | NR | chronic MDD of 2 years' duration or dysthymic disorder with concurrent diagnosis of MDD (double depression) | 76 weeks | 161 | taper to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ sertraline | |
Keller 2007 | 4‐phase RCT | 86 weeks | ≥ 18 years | recurrent depression: history of ≥ 3 episodes of major depression | 52 weeks | 83 | taper to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ venlafaxine ER | |
Khan 2014 | 2‐phase RCT | 24 weeks | ≥ 18 years | single or recurrent MDD | 4 weeks | 176 (control group split to allow multiple‐arm comparisons) | taper to placebo | 1 week | continuation ‐ desvenlafaxine | |
Kocsis 1996 | 2‐phase RCT | 26 to 28 weeks | NR | pure dysthymia, double depression, chronic major depression | 104 weeks | 53 | tapering to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ desipramine | |
Kocsis 2007 | 3‐phase RCT | 34 weeks | ≥18 years | recurrent depression (DSM‐IV criteria): history of ≥ 3 episodes of major depression | 52 weeks | 336 | tapering to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ venlafaxine | |
Kupfer 1992 | RCT | 3 years | 21 to 65 years | ≥ 3 episodes unipolar depression | 104 weeks | 20 | tapering to placebo | 3 weeks | continuation ‐ imipramine | IPT |
Mavissakalian 1999 | 2‐phase RCT | 24 weeks | NR | panic disorder with agoraphobia | 52 weeks | 56 | tapering to placebo | 3 weeks | continuation ‐ imipramine | |
Mavissakalian 2001 | 3‐phase RCT | 76 weeks | NR | panic disorder with agoraphobia | 52 weeks | 11 | tapering to placebo | 3 weeks | continuation ‐ imipramine | |
Montgomery 2004 | 3‐phase RCT | 24 weeks | ≥ 18 years | recurrent major depression (≥ 1 previous episode in the last 5 years) | 2 weeks | 235 | tapering to placebo | 2 weeks | continuation ‐ venlafaxine IR | |
Perahia 2009 | 3‐phase RCT | 28 to 34 weeks | ≥ 18 years | recurrent major depression (≥ 3 episodes of depressive disorder) | 52 weeks | 288 | tapering to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ duloxetine | |
Rickels 2010 | 2‐phase RCT | 24 weeks | ≥ 18 years | generalised anxiety disorder | 24 weeks | 136 | tapering to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ venlafaxine | |
Rickels 2010 | 3‐phase RCT | 48 weeks | ≥ 18 years | generalised anxiety disorder | 24 weeks | 59 | tapering to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ venlafaxine | |
Segal 2010; | 3‐phase RCT | 28 weeks | between 18 and 65 years | MDD in remission and ≥ 2 previous episodes | 76 weeks | 44 (control group split to allow multiple‐arm comparisons) | tapering to placebo | 4 weeks | continuation ‐ different types | |
Stewart 1997 | 3‐phase RCT | 30 weeks | NR | MDD, dysthymia, or both ≥ 2 years and definite or probable atypical depression | 24 weeks | 32 | tapering to placebo | 2 weeks | continuation ‐ imipramine | |
Stewart 1997 | 3‐phase RCT | 30 weeks | NR | MDD, dysthymia, or both ≥ 2 years and definite or probable atypical depression | 24 weeks | 28 | tapering to placebo | 2 weeks | continuation ‐ phenelzine |
AD: antidepressant.
CBT: cognitive‐behavioural therapy.
IPT: interpersonal therapy.
NR: not reported.
MBCT: mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy.
MDD: major depressive disorder.
PCT: preventive cognitive therapy.
RCT: randomised controlled trial.