FIG 3.
Mutational and transmission analysis of Achromobacter isolates. (A) All suspected patient-to-patient transmission cases identified. The smallest pairwise SNV distances between the isolates are given above the lines. Hypermutators are marked with asterisks. AX01, A. ruhlandii isolates; AX02, A. insuavis isolates; AX03, A. xylosoxidans isolates. (B) Transition-to-transversion substitution ratios for 20 Achromobacter clone types. (C) (Left) Number of times a patient pair visited the same hospital ward on the same date versus the time from first to last potential contact (in years). Patients with suspected transmission are marked with triangles. (Right) Distribution of patient contacts (by number of same-ward, same-day clinic visits) for patient pairs with suspected transmission versus the rest of the patient pair cohort. The color of each dot corresponds to the length of the patient contact period in years (from the first to the last contact date of the patient pair). (D) Summary of genetic, phylogenetic, and clinic visit overlap support for each suspected transmission case. Instances where cases have support for suspected transmission are shown in black.