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. 2021 Apr 29;13:101–116. doi: 10.2147/DHPS.S255893

Box 1.

How to Use This Review

  • Review the entirety of this paper or jump to the applicable section according to individual discipline or work setting (eg, a nurse practicing in outpatient clinics may obtain the most benefit from the text and corresponding tables in the “ambulatory setting” section).

  • Each row within the table outlines the various roles of clinicians in different care settings and indicates where overlap of practice and concepts exist.

  • Consider the bottom line recommendation box a “call to action” on what the authors consider the most evidence-based area or idea worth exploring in future research on polypharmacy in older adults with cancer.

  • Clinicians are encouraged to make simple changes and adopt what makes sense for their practice site. Applying all recommendations in a specific care setting may not be feasible initially.