Table 2. Patient demographics and disease characteristics.
Baseline | Patients N = 249 |
Sex, n (%) | |
144 (57.8) |
105 (42.2) |
66.8 (8.6) |
Age groups, n (%) | |
106 (42.6) |
143 (57.4) |
6.4 (4.5) |
Time groups, n (%) | |
27 (10.8) |
222 (89.2) |
Smoking status at baseline, n (%) | |
160 (64.3) |
89 (35.7) |
Pack years (years), mean (SD) | |
33.9 (18.0) |
35.7 (15.5) |
Allergic comorbidities, n (%) | |
233 (93.6) |
Concomitant diseases (system organ classes), n (%) | |
133 (53.4) |
79 (31.7) |
69 (27.7) |
40 (16.1) |
39 (15.7) |
32 (12.9) |
23 (9.2) |
GOLD 2017 * assessment of severity of obstruction, n (%) | |
15 (6.0) |
126 (50.6) |
79 (31.7) |
29 (11.6) |
GOLD 2017 * risk classes, A/B/C/D classification, n (%) | |
34 (13.7) |
136 (54.6) |
42 (16.9) |
37 (14.9) |
Retrospective 12-month period | |
Exacerbations per patient, mean (SD) | 0.5 (0.9) |
Number of exacerbations, n (%) | |
171 (68.7) |
56 (22.5) |
22 (8.8) |
COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SD = standard deviation
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung disease (GOLD) 2017; risk classes based on COPD assessment test and exacerbations; N = 249 (number of patients)