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. 2020 Dec 1;51(3):250–263. doi: 10.1007/s10519-020-10025-9

Table 3.


Agg1 InA1 HA1 Agg2 InA2 HA2
 Agg1 1.000
 InA1 0.348 1.000
 HA1 0.310 0.421 1.000
 Agg2 0.460 0.224 0.199 1.000
 InA2 0.227 0.425 0.160 0.391 1.000
 HA2 0.173 0.220 0.365 0.290 0.460 1.000
 SD 3.338 3.568 3.474 3.265 3.683 3.405
 Agg1 1.000
 InA1 0.479 1.000
 HA1 0.360 0.440 1.000
 Agg2 0.172 0.189 0.010 1.000
 InA2 0.053 0.203 0.089 0.406 1.000
 HA2 -0.010 0.138 0.128 0.319 0.395 1.000
 SD 3.373 3.861 3.559 3.443 3.746 3.317
Missing values (individuals) for twin1 and twin2
Agg1 InA1 HA1 Agg2 InA2 HA2
Total sample size (number of pairs) and marginal number of missing* values
  MZ 3438 1689 1351 1350 1689 1462 1689
  DZ 3995 2284 1976 1973 2332 2166 2332

MZ and DZ correlation matrices of within-person, twin correlations (in bold) and cross-twin cross-trait correlations and standard deviations (corrected for sex and age) for Aggression (Agg), Inattention (InA) and hyperactivity (HA) in twin 1 and twin 2

SD standard deviation

*Data collection for InA and HA preceded data collection for Aggression by 4 years; for InA and HA data collection took place in ANTR survey 7, for Aggression in ANTR survey 8