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. 2021 Jan 2;51(3):264–278. doi: 10.1007/s10519-020-10032-w

Table 1.

Parameters in models 0, 1, and 2

Parameter Interpretation
Y Phenotypic score
ϵ Residual score
μ Primary phenotypic assortative mating (AM) copath coefficient; cov(Yp,Ym)VY2
F Family environmental score arising from Y Fo vertical transmission (VT)
f VT path coefficient; the causal effect of Y Fo
T Polygenic score (PGS) of one of the two transmitted haplotypes
NT PGS of one of the two nontransmitted haplotypes
k Variance of the haplotypic PGS in the base population (before AM or VT). It is a constant that depends on the scaling of the PGS (see Model 1)
g Increase in the (co)variance of the haplotypic PGS’s under AM
δ effect of haplotypic PGS on Y
w Genetic nurture between the PGS and F; cov(T+NT,F)=cov([N]Tp+[N]Tm,Fo)
Ω Covariance between Y and either of that parent’s haplotypic PGS’s; cov(Y,[N]T)
θT Covariance between Yo and both of the transmitted haplotypes; cov(Yo,Tm+Tp)
θNT Covariance between Yo and both of the nontransmitted haplotypes; cov(Yo,NTm+NTp)
LT Latent genetic score (LGS) of one of the two transmitted haplotypes
LNT LGS of one of the two nontransmitted haplotypes
j Variance of the haplotypic LGS in the base population. It is a constant defined analogously to k (see Model 2)
h Increase in the (co)variance of the haplotypic LGS’s under AM
i Increase in the covariance between the haplotypic PGS’s and LGS’s under AM
a Effect of haplotypic LGS on Y
v Genetic nurture between the LGS and F; cov(LT+LNT,F)=cov(L[N]Tp+L[N]Tm,Fo)
Γ Covariance between Y and either of that parent’s haplotypic LGS’s; cov(Y,L[N]T)
θLT Covariance between Yo and the transmitted LGS; cov(Yo,LTm+LTp)
θLNT Covariance between Yo and the nontransmitted LGS; cov(Yo,LNTm+LNTp)
VA Full variance due to direct additive genetic effects; 2a2(j+2h)+2δ2(k+2g)+8aiδ
VA0 full variance due to direct additive genetic effects in base population; 2a2j+2δ2k
v+w Full genetic nurture (a type of passive G-E covariance)
VF Full variance due to VT; 2f2VY(1+μVY)
Vϵ Residual variance not explained by other factors (i.e., unique environmental variance)
VY Phenotypic variance; VA+VF+2(av+δw)+Vϵ

Subscripts: m: maternal; p: paternal; o: offspring; : m or p; no subscript: m, p, or o