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. 2021 Apr 21;7(4):e06761. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06761

Annex 1.

LVI-Normalized Value (Summary)

Factor Capital Profile (sub-component) No of indicators PCA average loading Total value
Cropping season
Cropping season
Dega w/dega Kolla Belg Meher Dega w/dega kolla Belg Meher
Exposure Climate variability & natural disaster Historical trends 6 1.000 .24 .26 .33 .34 .28 .48 .445 .54 .53 .505
Extreme Events 11 0.364 .72 .63 .75 .72 .73
Sensitivity Natural environment Biophysical environment 8 0.381 .527 .449 .535 .511 .476 0.502 0.399 0.559 0.493 0.455
Agricultural system 9 0.304 .548 .35 .555 .555 .539
Water resource security 6 0.507 .430 .399 .588 .414 .447
Adaptive Capacity Human Demographic 5 0.549 .305 .277 .277 .319 .287 0.481 0.400 0.509 0.487 0.477
Knowledge and skill 11 0.358 .567 .557 .641 .562 .591
Health and Food 12 0.601 .57 .367 .609 .581 .553
Social Networks & norms 5 0.473 .248 .365 .293 .237 .243 .248 .365 .293 .237 .243
Financial Assets and Wealth 10 0.427 .61 .54 .653 .629 .586 .61 .54 .653 .629 .586
Physical Technology 7 0.464 .583 .381 .639 .579 .59 0.374 0.269 0.493 0.360 0.394
Infrastructure 7 0.580 .165 .156 .347 .141 .197
Natural Land resource 4 0.764 .75 .79 .69 .73 .8 .75 .79 .69 .73 .80
LVI 0.483 0.417 0.534 0.489 0.477
LVI is scaled from 0 (least vulnerable) to 1 (most vulnerable) 2nd least 1st 1st 2nd
LVI-Example: [Dega = [(.48∗17) +(.502∗23) +(.481∗28) +(.248∗5) +(.61∗10) +(.374∗14) +(.75∗4)/(17 + 23+28 + 5+10 + 14+4)] = 0.483

In terms of agroecology, Kolla agroecology was most vulnerable followed by dega while Woinadega was found to be least vulnerable; while the type of cropping season was taken into account (only for dega agroecology), belg areas were found to be relatively vulnerable than meher ones.