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. 2021 Apr 20;11:630780. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.630780

Table 1.

Clinical, histological and radiological characteristics of the patients as a function of pathologic response.

  Responders Non-responders All p-value
Number 20 40 60
Age (y) 49.2 (±11.6) 52,8 (±12.2) 51.6 (±12.0) 0.273
ADC (x10^-6 mm^2/s) 842 (±270) 875 (±197) 864 (±222) 0,629
 PET SUV Max 8.44 (±5.08) 6.79 (±5.51) 7.34 (±5.39) 0,257
 Ki67 (%) 39.7 (±23.0) 20.0 (±11.3) 26.6 (±18.5) 0,0013
 PgR (%) 12.3 (±23.9) 34.6 (±33.9) 27.2 (±37.5) 0,0046
 ER (%) 34.0 (±40.5) 80.8 (±26.2) 65.2 (±38.4) 0,0001
 2 2 23 25 0,0006
 3 18 17 35
 Pos 11 35 46 0,0088
 Neg 9 5 14
 I 8 27 35 0,0182
 O 6 11 17
 R 6 2 8
 I 16 19 35 0,0254
 S 4 21 25
 E 14 33 47 0,3654
 O 1 3 4
 RE 5 4 9
 I 0 3 3 0,6565
 II 3 6 9
 III 17 31 48
 MC 6 18 24 0,4543
 MF 5 6 11
 U 9 16 25

Data are presented either as mean ± sd or number of patients with relative percentage. Shape: (I)rregular/(O)val/(R)ound; Margin: (I)rregular/(S)piculated; IntEnh: H(e)terogeneous/H(o)mogeneous/(R)im (E)nhancement; Type: (M)ulti(c)entric/(M)ulti(f)ocal/(U)nifocal.