Figure 2.
Myosin regulates native proplatelet elongation speed. (A) Normalized native proplatelet (nPPT) length (%) of three independent wild-type (WT) mice plotted over time, showing regular elongation (black line, max length=282.1 μm), pauses between elongation phases (blue line, max length=151.2 mm) or pause and retraction phases between elongation phases (red line, max length =85.6 μm). Representative of nPPT from at least 10 WT mice. (B) Two z-projection images showing long, thin nPPT in Myh9-/- bone marrow sinusoids (arrows). Dotted lines represent the contours of the sinusoids. Scale bar =20 mm. Representative of at least 10 Myh9-/- mice. (C) Normalized length (%) of four representative Myh9-/- nPPT observed in three mice plotted over time, showing a continuous elongation, without pause or retraction (black line, max length =175.1 μm; green line, max length=221.2 mm; red line, max length=132.7 mm; blue line, max length=98.5 mm). (D) nPPT elongation speed. Data are 12 nPPT pooled from eight WT mice and 12 nPPT pooled from five Myh9-/- . (E) nPPT length. Data are 25 nPPT from 14 WT mice) and 13 nPPT from five Myh9-/- mice. (F) nPPT width close to the base of PPT. Data are 28 nPPT from 19 WT mice and 17 nPPT from eight Myh9-/- - mice. (D-F) Bar graphs represent the mean ± standard error of the mean; P-values were calculated using Mann-Whitney test.