Table 3.
Summary of discussed studies examining EEG correlates and predictors of rTMS outcomes
Study | Study Design | Sample (N) | EEG Metrics | EEG Timing | rTMS Parameters | Findings |
Arns et al, 2012 | Open label, multi-site | MDD (n=86) or Dysthymia (n=4) | Individual alpha peak frequency Theta power Cordance P300 |
Prior to initiation of rTMS | Left DLPFC 10Hz, 110% MT, 1500 pulses per session –OR– Right DLPFC 1Hz, 110% MT, 1200 pulses per session (if presence of focal left beta spindles during EEG) Average 20.7 sessions |
Relative to responders, at baseline non-responders had:
Bailey et al. 2019 | Open label outpatient treatment | MDD (n=42); Controls (n=21; received only baseline EEG and no rTMS) | Alpha power, theta power, theta cordance, individualized alpha peak frequency, alpha connectivity, theta connectivity | Baseline and after 1 week of treatment | Left DLPFC, 10Hz, 2000 pulses per session, 110%MT 5–8 weeks of treatment |
Larger theta connectivity at baseline and at 1 week in responders compared to non-responders. No other baseline EEG measures differed between responders and non-responders. |
Bares et al. 2014 | Randomized, blinded, sham controlled | MDD (n=60; inpatients) | Prefrontal theta cordance | Baseline and after 1 week of treatment | Right DLPFC, 1-Hz, 600 pulses per session, 100% MT, for 20 consecutive working days | Decrease of cordance after 1 week of treatment predicted response. Compared to baseline, theta cordance at week 1 was significantly decreased in responders, but not in nonresponders to rTMS. |
Corlier et al. 2019 paper in press | Open label outpatient treatment | MDD (n=147) | Individual alpha frequency Absolute difference between IAF and 10Hz (i.e., |IAF – 10Hz|) |
Pre-treatment | Initial: 10Hz left DLPFC ≥80% MTIf not tolerating or subtherapeutic, changed to either:
There was no correlation between either IAF or |IAF-10Hz| values and clinical outcome in the overall sample. Significant correlations were found for both IAF and |IAF-10Hz| and the 10Hz group’s clinical outcome. No such relationship was found in the simultaneous bilateral or 5Hz sub-groups. Clinical outcomes of top IAF quartile of the 10Hz group were significantly better as compared to the bottom quartile. |
Hunter et al. 2017 | Open label outpatient treatment | MDD (n=18; outpatient) | Change in theta cordance | Baseline and after 1 week of treatment | Left DLPFC, 10Hz, 3000 pulses per session, 120%MT for 5 days per week over 6 weeks. | Change in central regional cordance after 1 week was associated with improvement after 6 weeks of treatment. |
Jin et al. 2014 | Randomized, sham controlled, double-blinded trial 3 arms: active synchronized TMS with fixed frequency set at individualized alpha frequency, active synchronized TMS with random frequency from 8–13Hz, and sham TMS. |
MDD (n=52) | Individual alpha frequency | Prior to rTMS to determine individual alpha frequency | Experimental synchronized TMS device: cylindrical magnets positioned sagitally along midline with axis of rotation perpendicular to midline. Compared to standard rTMS devices, magnetic waveforms are sinusoidal with energy of magnetic field <1% of standard | Statistically significant clinical improvement was seen in the active group compared to sham, but not between the random frequency and fixed individualized alpha frequency groups. |
Krepel et al, 2018 | Open label, multi-site | MDD or Dysthymia (n=106 Total) | Individual alpha peak frequency Theta power P300 |
Prior to initiation of rTMS | Left DLPFC 10Hz –OR– Right DLPFC 1Hz |
No difference between responders and nonresponders for individual alpha peak frequency, theta power, or P300 prior to initiation of rTMS. |
Leuchter et al, 2015 | Randomized, double-blinded, sham controlled trial (synchronized rTMS with fixed frequency set at individualized alpha frequency vs. sham) | MDD (n=202) | Individual alpha frequency | Prior to rTMS to determine individual Alpha Frequency | Same experimental synchronized TMS device as above (Jin et al., 2014) | No statistical significance with ITT analysis. Significantly lower HAM-D score in the active treatment group with PP analysis (n=120, 59 active and 61 sham) |
Petrosino et al, 2018 | Open Label | MDD+PTSD (n=21) | Intrinsic alpha frequency | Baseline and post-treatment | Left DLPFC, 5Hz, 120% MT, 3000–4000 pulses/session, up to 40 sessions | No IAF changes were found between baseline and follow-up. There was not a significant relation between baseline IAF and clinical outcome. |
Shalbaf et al. 2018 | Data from 2 single-blind randomized, controlled trials | MDD (n=51) and Healthy Comparison (n=25) | Permutation entropy intrinsic mode function index Relative power of delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma band |
Pre-treatment | 120%MT, either high frequency TMS (n=25) or theta burst TMS (n=26) over left DLPFC | Responders had higher permutation entropy intrinsic mode function index relative to non-responders, particularly at left frontal locations. Permutation entropy intrinsic mode function index was a superior predictor of treatment response than relative power of frequency bands |
IAF = individual alpha frequency; ITT = intent to treat, PP = per protocol, MDD = major depressive disorder, DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex