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. 2021 Mar 4;2021(3):CD010172. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010172.pub3


Study name High‐flow nasal oxygen therapy in perioperative period of the adult with hypercapnic and hypoxemic respiratory failure
Methods RCT, parallel‐group design
Participants Estimated number of participants: 150
Setting: China
Inclusion criteria: AHRF; severe dyspnoea at rest with respiratory rate > 25 breaths/min; PaO2/FiO2 < 300; PaCO2 < 45 mmHg
Exclusion criteria: age < 18 years; contraindications to NIV; chronic respiratory disease; cardiac pulmonary oedema; predefined intubation; haemodynamic instability or need for vasopressors; GCS ≤ 12; profound leukopenia
Interventions Intervention group (HFNC): flow = 30 to 60 L/min; FiO2 adjusted to target SpO2 > 92 %
Control group 1 (standard oxygen therapy): flow ≥ 10 L/min
Control group 2 (NIV): face mask; FiO2 and/or PEEP adjusted to target SpO2 > 92 %
Outcomes All outcomes reported: intubation rate
Outcomes relevant to this review: intubation rate
Starting date 25 July 2017
Contact information Bin He, Dongjuan Tang,