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. 2021 Mar 4;2021(3):CD013498. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013498.pub2
Study Reason for exclusion
21st Brazilian Diabetes Society Congressa Congress report containing no studies of relevance
Bin‐Abbas 2006 Wrong study design: not a randomised clinical trial
Bolli 2016 Wrong study design: pooled data from four randomised clinical trials
Chacra 2010 Wrong intervention (applied basal insulin no longer available)
Hirsch 2012 Wrong study drug: compared insulin degludec/aspart combined with detemir + aspart (NCT00978627; NN5401‐3645; NN5401‐3645; Eudra: 2008‐005769‐71; U1111‐1111‐8943; 2009‐013412‐13; U1111‐1113‐2475)
HypoANA Wrong study drug: applied different type of rapid‐acting insulin analogue in the intervention arms
Iga 2017 Short duration of the intervention
Kiess 2004 Wrong study design: letter
Manini 2007 Wrong study design: not a randomised clinical trial
NCT00788840 Wrong population: people with T2DM
NCT01854723 Wrong population: people with insulin resistance
Orchard 2014 Wrong intervention: different co‐intervention
Ota 2017 Trial combined outcomes of people with T1DM and T2DM. No separate data available for the 12 people with T1DM included in the trial
Perez‐Maraver 2013 Applied different type of rapid‐acting insulin analogue in the intervention arms
Polonsky 2014 Wrong study design: not a randomised clinical trial
Prikhodina 2007 Wrong study design: not a randomised clinical trial
Tentolouris 2018 Wrong study design: not a randomised clinical trial
UMIN000001562 Wrong study design: one intervention arm
UMIN000009965 Study protocol for a study with short duration
UMIN000013817 Study protocol for a study with short duration
Yamada 2014 Short duration of the intervention
Ziemen 2015 Wrong intervention: comparing insulin glargine in different concentrations

T1DM: type 1 diabetes mellitus
T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus