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. 2020 Oct 14;2020(10):CD010216. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub4
Study Reason for exclusion
Adkison 2013 Although this study uses a prospective cohort design, no data on EC use were collected at baseline, with EC use data only being available at follow‐up
Al‐Delaimy 2015 Observational study with no intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Anonymous 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)
Battista 2013 Short‐term EC use only
Bianco 2019 Ineligible intervention
Biener 2015 Cohort study, but EC use evaluated retrospectively only
Biondi‐Zoccai 2019 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Borderud 2014 Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Brose 2015 Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Brown 2014a Cross‐sectional survey
Bullen 2010 Short‐term EC use only
Bullen 2018 Withdrawn trial registry
Caponnetto 2019 Ineligible intervention
Chaumont 2018 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Chaumont 2019 Ineligible intervention
Chausse 2015 Ineligible study design
Choi 2014 Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Chorti 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Collins 2019 Ineligible intervention
Cook 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)
Cox 2019a Short‐term abstinence only (< 6 months)
Czogala 2012 Short‐term EC use only
D'Ruiz 2017 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Dawkins 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Dawkins 2013a Short‐term EC use only
Dawkins 2014 Short‐term EC use only
Douptcheva 2013 Longitudinal study, but no data are reported for smoking cessation or reduction or for adverse events
Dutra 2014 Cross‐sectional survey
Eissenberg 2010 Short‐term EC use only
Elena Cavarretta 2019 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Etter 2014 Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Farsalinos 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Farsalinos 2013a Included people that had already stopped smoking conventional cigarettes
Farsalinos 2013b Short‐term EC use only
Farsalinos 2013c Short‐term EC use only
Farsalinos 2013d Short‐term EC use only
Flouris 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Flouris 2013 Short‐term EC use only
Gmel 2016 Cohort study, but EC use only evaluated retrospectively
Gottlieb 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)
Grana 2014b Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
James 2016 Follow‐up at 12 weeks, AE data not collected
Kasza 2013 Longitudinal study, but no data are reported for smoking cessation or reduction or for adverse events
Kouretas 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Kousta 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)
Lechner 2015 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Lee 2014 Cross‐sectional survey
Manzoli 2015 Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Marini 2014 Short‐term EC use only
Mayor 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)
Meltzer 2017 Ineligible intervention
Miura 2015 Tests a device which is not an EC
NCT02487953a Withdrawn trial registry
NCT02487953b Withdrawn trial registry
NCT03036644 Less than 1 week follow‐up
NCT03575468 Ineligible intervention
NCT04107779 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Nolan 2016 Short‐term abstinence only (< 6 months)
Palamidas 2014 Short‐term EC use only
Pearson 2012 Longitudinal study, but no data are reported for smoking cessation or reduction or for adverse events
Pokhrel 2013 Cross‐sectional survey
Polosa 2014a Observational study with no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Popova 2013 Cross‐sectional survey
Prochaska 2014 RCT but no EC intervention provided ‐ included in previous versions, but excluded from 2020
Russo 2018 Ineligible study design
Schober 2014 Short‐term EC use only
Siegel 2011 Retrospective survey of 222 EC users that responded to a survey sent to 5000 new users of the 'Blu' EC. Likely to be a self‐selected sample
Song 2020 Ineligible patient population
St.Helen 2020 Wrong intervention
Stein 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)
Stower 2019 Ineligible study design
Tsikrika 2014 Short‐term EC use only
Tucker 2018 Short‐term abstinence only (< 6 months)
Tzatzarakis 2013 Short‐term EC use only
Vakali 2014 Short‐term EC use only
Valentine 2016 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Van Heel 2017 Ineligible study design
Vansickel 2010 Short‐term EC use only
Vansickel 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Vansickel 2013 Short‐term EC use only
Vardavas 2012 Short‐term EC use only
Vickerman 2013 Cross‐sectional survey
Voos 2019 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Voos 2020 Ineligible study design
Wagener 2014 EC use for up to 1 week, but does not report on any adverse events
Walele 2016a RCT but follow‐up too short
Walele 2016b RCT but follow‐up too short
Yan 2015 Ineligible study design
Yuki 2017 Less than 1 week follow‐up
Zhang 2019 Commentary of included study (not primary study)

EC: electronic cigarette