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. 2020 Sep 8;2020(9):CD005291. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005291.pub3

Jansen 2008.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: randomised controlled trial
Duration and location of the trial: between August 2004 and November 2006 in Sydney, Australia
Sample size calculation: not performed
101 women randomised
Participants Inclusion criteria: women below 38 years of age in their first or second IVF with no cancelled cycles because of poor response, agreement to elective single embryo transfer, with at least 8 follicles of 1 cm or more on day 8 to 10 of stimulation
Exclusion criteria: women with fewer than 4 embryos with eat least 7 cells on day 3, and women with fewer than 2 blastocysts for biopsy were excluded
Interventions Type of biopsy: blastocyst stage biopsy, biopsy of the trophectoderm. Biopsies consisted of 2–9 trophectoderm cells.
Genetic analysis: FISH analysis for chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18, 21
Outcomes live birth rate
Miscarriage rate
Clinical pregnancy rate
Proportion of women reaching embryo transfer
Notes Treatment procedure: method for fertilisation not reported
Embryo transfer policy: single embryo transfer
Note: the trial was suspended and then terminated earlier when it was unable to show an advantage for PGS
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Judgement comment: randomised but no further details
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Judgement comment: used "sealed envelopes", no details as to whether they were opaque
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes High risk Judgement comment: no blinding
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk Judgement comment: non‐blinding not likely to affect objective outcomes
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Low risk Judgement comment: all randomised participants analysed. Also data on women who were withdrawn from the study before randomisation because of suboptimal responses to stimulation, and data on women who were eligible but elected not to take part in the study
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Judgement comment: no suggestion of selective reporting
Other bias Low risk Judgement comment: no sources of bias detected
Funding: unclear whether this was a sponsored trial