Table 1.
General characteristics of included clinical practice guidelines (n=12)
Number | Author (year) | Full title | Countries covered | Origin | Primary audience | Design (systematic review, SR, used and methods thereafter) | Planned update given | Funding |
1 | Coleman et al (2012)30 | Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people V.7 | Global | WPATH | Health professionals | Work groups submit manuscripts based on prior literature reviews, no explicit links of recommendations to evidence, expert consensus. No independent external review | No | Tawani Foundation and gift from anonymous donor |
2 | Davies et al (2015)51 | Voice and communication change for gender non-conforming individuals: giving voice to the person inside | Global | WPATH | Speech-language therapists | Review of evidence. Expert consensus. No independent external review | No | Transgender Health Information Program of British Columbia Canada |
3 | ECDC (2018)58 | Public health guidance on HIV, hepatitis B and C testing in the EU/EEA | EU/EEA | ECDC consortium CHIP, PHE, SSAT and EATG | Member states’ public health professionals who coordinate the development of national guidelines or programmes for HBV, HCV and HIV testing | Four SRs, SIGN, NICE and AXIS checklists. Ad hoc internal and external expert panel, independent chair, expert consensus. No independent external review | No | Commissioned by ECDC, contractor Rigshospitalet CHIP |
4 | Gilligan et al (2017)52 | Patient-clinician communication: American Society of Clinical Oncology consensus guideline | USA and others | ASCO | Clinicians who care for adults with cancer | Nine questions (one SR), expert consensus and a Delphi exercise. No independent external review | Regular review 3-year check | None declared |
5 | Hembree et al (2017)53 | Endocrine treatment of gender-dysphoric/gender-incongruent persons: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline | Global | Endocrine Society | Endocrinologists, trained mental health professionals and trained physicians | Two SRs and GRADE, rest expert consensus. No independent external review | No | Endocrine Society |
6 | IAPHCCO (2015)54 | IAPAC guidelines for optimising the HIV care continuum for adults and adolescents | Global | IAPAC | Care providers, programme managers, policymakers, affected communities, organisations, and health systems involved with implementing HIV programmes and/or delivering HIV care | A systematic search of CDC database, expert consensus. No independent external review | No | IAPAC, US NIH and Office of AIDS Research |
7 | Ralph et al (2010)56 | Trauma, gender reassignment and penile augmentation | Not specified (international publication) | Author group | Not stated (urological surgeons) | No SR. Unclear if literature review. Leading experts’ consensus opinion. No independent external review | No | None declared |
8 | Strang et al (2018)57 | Initial clinical guidelines for co-occurring autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria or incongruence in adolescents | Not specified (international publication) | Author group | Clinicians | No SR or literature review. Two-stage Delphi consensus. No independent external review | No | Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation |
9 | T'Sjoen et al (2020)55 | ESSM Position Statement ‘Assessment and hormonal management in adolescent and adult trans people, with attention for sexual function and satisfaction’ | Europe | ESSM | European clinicians working in transgender health, sexologists and other healthcare professionals | No SR. Leading experts’ consensus opinion. No independent external review | No | ESSM |
10 | WHO (2011)48 | Prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men and transgender people. Recommendations for a public health approach | Global | WHO | National public health officials and managers of HIV/AIDS and STI programmes, NGOs including community and civil society organisations, and health workers | 13 SRs for PICOs and GRADE, external GDG, and independent external review | Yes in 2015 | BMZ and PEPFAR through CDC and USAID |
11 | WHO (2012)49 | Guidance on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for serodiscordant couples, men and transgender women who have sex with men at high risk of HIV. Recommendations for use in the context of demonstration projects | Global | WHO | Countries/member states | Four SRs (including values and preferences reviews) and GRADE, external GDG and independent external review group | Yes in 2015 | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
12 | WHO (2016)50 | Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations. 2016 update | Global | WHO | National HIV programme managers and other decision-makers within ministries of health and those responsible for health policies, programmes and services in prisons | Two new SRs in revised guidance, GRADE, external GDGs and 79 independent external peer reviewers | Regular updates; no detail | UNAIDS, PEPFAR, Global Fund |
AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ASA, American Society of Andrology; ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; AXIS, Appraisal Tool for Cross-Sectional Studies; BMZ, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development; CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CHIP, CHIP/Region H, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen; CPG, clinical practice guideline; EATG, European AIDS Treatment Group; EAU, European Association of Urology; ECDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; ESE, European Society of Endocrinology; ESPE, European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology; ESSM, European Society for Sexual Medicine; EU/EEA, European Union/European Economic Area; GDG, guideline development group; Global Fund, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IAPAC, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care; IAPHCCO, International Advisory Panel on HIV Care Continuum Optimization; NGO, non-governmental organisations; NICE, National Institute of Health and Care Excellence; NIH, National Institutes of Health; PEPFAR, US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; PES, Pediatric Endocrine Society; PHE, Public Health England; PICO, Participants/patients, Intervention, Comparators, Outcomes; SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; SR, systematic review; SSAT, St Stephen’s AIDS Trust; STI, sexually transmitted infection; UNAIDS, The Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; USAID, US Agency for International Development; WPATH, World Professional Association for Transgender Health.