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. 2021 Apr 29;11(4):e048943. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048943

Table 1.

General characteristics of included clinical practice guidelines (n=12)

Number Author (year) Full title Countries covered Origin Primary audience Design (systematic review, SR, used and methods thereafter) Planned update given Funding
1 Coleman et al (2012)30 Standards of care for the health of transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people V.7 Global WPATH Health professionals Work groups submit manuscripts based on prior literature reviews, no explicit links of recommendations to evidence, expert consensus. No independent external review No Tawani Foundation and gift from anonymous donor
2 Davies et al (2015)51 Voice and communication change for gender non-conforming individuals: giving voice to the person inside Global WPATH Speech-language therapists Review of evidence. Expert consensus. No independent external review No Transgender Health Information Program of British Columbia Canada
3 ECDC (2018)58 Public health guidance on HIV, hepatitis B and C testing in the EU/EEA EU/EEA ECDC consortium CHIP, PHE, SSAT and EATG Member states’ public health professionals who coordinate the development of national guidelines or programmes for HBV, HCV and HIV testing Four SRs, SIGN, NICE and AXIS checklists. Ad hoc internal and external expert panel, independent chair, expert consensus. No independent external review No Commissioned by ECDC, contractor Rigshospitalet CHIP
4 Gilligan et al (2017)52 Patient-clinician communication: American Society of Clinical Oncology consensus guideline USA and others ASCO Clinicians who care for adults with cancer Nine questions (one SR), expert consensus and a Delphi exercise. No independent external review Regular review 3-year check None declared
5 Hembree et al (2017)53 Endocrine treatment of gender-dysphoric/gender-incongruent persons: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline Global Endocrine Society Endocrinologists, trained mental health professionals and trained physicians Two SRs and GRADE, rest expert consensus. No independent external review No Endocrine Society
6 IAPHCCO (2015)54 IAPAC guidelines for optimising the HIV care continuum for adults and adolescents Global IAPAC Care providers, programme managers, policymakers, affected communities, organisations, and health systems involved with implementing HIV programmes and/or delivering HIV care A systematic search of CDC database, expert consensus. No independent external review No IAPAC, US NIH and Office of AIDS Research
7 Ralph et al (2010)56 Trauma, gender reassignment and penile augmentation Not specified (international publication) Author group Not stated (urological surgeons) No SR. Unclear if literature review. Leading experts’ consensus opinion. No independent external review No None declared
8 Strang et al (2018)57 Initial clinical guidelines for co-occurring autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria or incongruence in adolescents Not specified (international publication) Author group Clinicians No SR or literature review. Two-stage Delphi consensus. No independent external review No Isadore and Bertha Gudelsky Family Foundation
9 T'Sjoen et al (2020)55 ESSM Position Statement ‘Assessment and hormonal management in adolescent and adult trans people, with attention for sexual function and satisfaction’ Europe ESSM European clinicians working in transgender health, sexologists and other healthcare professionals No SR. Leading experts’ consensus opinion. No independent external review No ESSM
10 WHO (2011)48 Prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men and transgender people. Recommendations for a public health approach Global WHO National public health officials and managers of HIV/AIDS and STI programmes, NGOs including community and civil society organisations, and health workers 13 SRs for PICOs and GRADE, external GDG, and independent external review Yes in 2015 BMZ and PEPFAR through CDC and USAID
11 WHO (2012)49 Guidance on oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for serodiscordant couples, men and transgender women who have sex with men at high risk of HIV. Recommendations for use in the context of demonstration projects Global WHO Countries/member states Four SRs (including values and preferences reviews) and GRADE, external GDG and independent external review group Yes in 2015 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
12 WHO (2016)50 Consolidated guidelines on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations. 2016 update Global WHO National HIV programme managers and other decision-makers within ministries of health and those responsible for health policies, programmes and services in prisons Two new SRs in revised guidance, GRADE, external GDGs and 79 independent external peer reviewers Regular updates; no detail UNAIDS, PEPFAR, Global Fund

AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ASA, American Society of Andrology; ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; AXIS, Appraisal Tool for Cross-Sectional Studies; BMZ, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development; CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CHIP, CHIP/Region H, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen; CPG, clinical practice guideline; EATG, European AIDS Treatment Group; EAU, European Association of Urology; ECDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; ESE, European Society of Endocrinology; ESPE, European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology; ESSM, European Society for Sexual Medicine; EU/EEA, European Union/European Economic Area; GDG, guideline development group; Global Fund, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; IAPAC, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care; IAPHCCO, International Advisory Panel on HIV Care Continuum Optimization; NGO, non-governmental organisations; NICE, National Institute of Health and Care Excellence; NIH, National Institutes of Health; PEPFAR, US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief; PES, Pediatric Endocrine Society; PHE, Public Health England; PICO, Participants/patients, Intervention, Comparators, Outcomes; SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; SR, systematic review; SSAT, St Stephen’s AIDS Trust; STI, sexually transmitted infection; UNAIDS, The Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; USAID, US Agency for International Development; WPATH, World Professional Association for Transgender Health.