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. 2021 Mar 18;2021(3):CD011424. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011424.pub3

Helmy 2017.

Methods Randomised controlled trial, 2 groups, set in Infertility Unit, Menoufia University Hospital, Shebin El‐Kom, Egypt
January 2015 to July 2016
Number of participants randomised: 110
Number of participants analysed: 105
Participants Inclusion criteria:
  • ≥ 1 year of infertility (primary, secondary)

  • Aged 20 to 35 years

  • Body mass index 19 to 30 kg/m²

  • Day 2 serum follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) concentration < 12 IU/L

  • Normal serum prolactin level (≤ 888 pmol/L)

  • Normal thyroid function tests

  • Normal uterine cavity on hysterosalpingography or hysteroscopy

  • ≥ 1 patent tube with normal appearance on hysterosalpingography and/or laparoscopy

  • Male partner with normal semen count and motility according to World Health Organization criteria

  • No conception despite a good follicular response to clomiphene citrate for ≥ 3 cycles

Exclusion criteria:
  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

  • Diminished ovarian reserve (basal FSH > 12 IU/L)

  • Anovulation after 150 mg clomiphene citrate for 3 cycles

  • Infertility due to tubal or male factors

  • Intrauterine organic pathology (myoma, polyp, adhesions) identified by hysterosalpingography or diagnostic hysteroscopy

  • Women with previous in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intrauterine insemination attempts

Cause of subfertility: unexplained
  • Intervention group: endometrial injury, using a pipelle catheter, in the luteal phase of the cycle preceding the ovarian stimulation cycle

  • Control group: a sham procedure, which consisted of drying the cervix with gauze for 30 seconds, in the luteal phase of the cycle preceding the ovulation induction cycle

Both groups: ovulation induction was performed with clomiphene citrate starting on Day 3 to 5 for 5 days. When 1 or 2 follicles ≥ 18 mm were present, 10,000 IU human chorionic gonadotropin was used and couples were ask to have timed intercourse after 36 hours
Degree of endometrial injury: endosampler
Timing of endometrial injury: in the luteal phase (on Day 15 to 24) of a spontaneous menstrual cycle preceding the ovulation induction cycle
Study length: 1 cycle
Type of conception: timed intercourse
Outcomes Reported in the paper:
  • Clinical pregnancy (ultrasonograph evidence of ≥ 1 gestational sac at 6 weeks, or products of conception by histopathological examination)

  • Ongoing pregnancy (≥ 1 foetal heart pulsation on ultrasonography beyond 20 weeks)

  • Live birth (live birth of ≥ 1 neonate who lived ≥ 1 week after birth)

  • Ectopic pregnancy (serum β‐hCG test > 1500 IU/L but no intrauterine gestational sac, or an adnexal mass seen on ultrasonography)

  • Multiple pregnancy (≥ 2 gestational sacs seen at the same time at 6 weeks)

  • Spontaneous abortion (no cardiac pulsation for a crown‐rump length corresponding to ≥ 6 weeks, no crown‐rump length in a gestational sac ≥ 25 mm, or pregnancy that ended before 20 weeks)

Notes Trial registration number: NCT02345837