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. 2020 Oct 19;2020(10):CD012859. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012859.pub2

Fabling 2000.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: randomized controlled trial
Study grouping: 3 groups, monoprophylaxis and combination prophylaxis
Participants Baseline characteristics
Ondansetron + dexamethasone
  • Assessed for eligibility (n): ‐

  • Enrolled (n): ‐

  • Randomized (n): 20

  • Received treatment (n): NA

  • Analysed (n): 20

  • Age (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): 47 ± 11

  • Weight (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): 76 ± 18

  • BMI (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): NA

  • ASA I/II/III/IV (n): NA/NA/NA/0

  • Gender (female in %): 55

  • Non‐smoker (%): NA

  • History of PONV/motion sickness (%): NA

  • Type of general anaesthesia: inhalational anaesthesia (isoflurane, N₂O)

  • Duration of anaesthesia or surgery (in min; as mean or median): 328

  • Use of perioperative opioids (if yes, which?): 1250 µg intraoperative fentanyl, codeine as rescue analgesic

  • Type of surgery: supratentorial craniotomy

Droperidol + dexamethasone
  • Assessed for eligibility (n): ‐

  • Enrolled (n): ‐

  • Randomized (n): 20

  • Received treatment (n): NA

  • Analysed (n): 20

  • Age (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): 52 ± 12

  • Weight (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): 82 ± 22

  • BMI (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): NA

  • ASA I/II/III/IV (n): NA/NA/NA/0

  • Gender (female in %): 60

  • Non‐smoker (%): NA

  • History of PONV/motion sickness (%): NA

  • Type of general anaesthesia: inhalational anaesthesia (isoflurane, N₂O)

  • Duration of anaesthesia or surgery (in min; as mean or median): 281

  • Use of perioperative opioids (if yes, which?): 1189 µg intraoperative fentanyl, codeine as rescue analgesic

  • Type of surgery: supratentorial craniotomy

  • Assessed for eligibility (n): ‐

  • Enrolled (n): ‐

  • Randomized (n): 20

  • Received treatment (n): NA

  • Analysed (n): 20

  • Age (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): 45 ± 12

  • Weight (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): 85 ± 19

  • BMI (mean ± SD, median (IQR), median (range)): NA

  • ASA I/II/III/IV (n): NA/NA/NA/0

  • Gender (female in %): 45

  • Non‐smoker (%): NA

  • History of PONV/motion sickness (%): NA

  • Type of general anaesthesia: inhalational anaesthesia (isoflurane, N₂O)

  • Duration of anaesthesia or surgery (in min; as mean or median): 312

  • Use of perioperative opioids (if yes, which?): 1169 µg intraoperative fentanyl, codeine as rescue analgesic

  • Type of surgery: supratentorial craniotomy

Included criteria: 18 to 75 years of age, scheduled for elective supratentorial craniotomy for mass lesion
Excluded criteria: ASA IV or V, antiemetic use preoperatively or intraoperatively, allergy to ondansetron or droperidol, pregnancy, breastfeeding, morbid obesity, mental retardation, psychiatric illness
Pretreatment: baseline characteristics (age, weight): no; (ASA): unclear. Potential effect modifiers (gender, duration of anaesthesia, perioperative opioids): no; (history of PONV/motion sickness, non‐smoker): unclear
Interventions Intervention characteristics
Ondansetron + dexamethasone
  • Dose: ondansetron 4 mg, "large dose" dexamethasone

  • Time point of administration: on surgical commencement of skin closure, dexamethasone intraoperatively

  • Route of administration: IV

  • Rescue antiemetics (if yes, which?): 40% (trimethobenzamide 200 mg, ondansetron 4 mg)

Droperidol + dexamethasone
  • Dose: droperidol 0.625 mg, "large dose" dexamethasone

  • Time point of administration: on surgical commencement of skin closure, dexamethasone intraoperatively

  • Route of administration: IV

  • Rescue antiemetics (if yes, which?): 40% (trimethobenzamide 200 mg, ondansetron 4 mg)

  • Dose: "large dose" dexamethasone

  • Time point of administration: intraoperatively

  • Route of administration: IV

  • Rescue antiemetics (if yes, which?): 50% (trimethobenzamide 200 mg, ondansetron 4 mg)

Outcomes Vomiting (0 to 24 hours)
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

Nausea (0 to 24 hours) or PONV
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

Adverse events (general notes in the publication, 24 hours' observation)
  • Outcome type: general notes on side effects

Identification Sponsorship source: NA
Country: USA
Setting: inpatient, single‐centre
Author's name: Cecil O. Borel
Institution: Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Address: Department of Anesthesiology, DUMC Box 3094, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Language: English
Duration of study: NA
Trial registry number: NA
Study's primary outcome: incidence of PONV
Notes Dexamethasone given perioperatively; dose unknown but stated "was not different between groups"
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote: "patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups"
Judgement comment: no further information on sequence generation provided
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Judgement comment: no statement
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Quote: "study drugs were prepared by a pharmacist and administered by the anesthesia staff not involved in data collection. Study..."
Judgement comment: no information on blinding of anaesthesiologists
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Judgement comment: insufficient information on blinding ("double‐blind")
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Low risk Judgement comment: no missing outcome data
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Judgement comment: no reference to a study protocol or trial registry number reported
Other bias Unclear risk Quote: "all groups were demographically similar, and there was no difference in duration of anesthesia or total fentanyl dose administered (Table 1)"
Judgement comment: baseline characteristics (age, weight): no; (ASA): unclear. Potential effect modifiers (gender, duration of anaesthesia, perioperative opioids): no; (history of PONV/motion sickness, non‐smoker): unclear