Fig. 4.
Proprioceptive illusion data in arm matching experiment and Pinocchio illusion experiment for all 8 subjects. a Individual data of left elbow joint angle in arm matching experiment with 135° right elbow joint angle (reference); b Individual data of left elbow joint angle in arm matching experiment with 90° right elbow joint angle (reference), c Subjective perception of nose elongation when the stimulation is turned on (black circle) and subjective perception of nose shrink when the stimulation is turned off (white circle), in Pinocchio illusion experiment; d Average left elbow joint angle in arm matching experiment with 135° right elbow joint angle (reference); e Average left elbow joint angle in arm matching experiment with 90° right elbow joint angle (reference); f Perception of nose height change from the previous height; g Standard deviation of right elbow joint angle while the stimulation was applied; h Net change of left elbow joint angle; and i Relative change of left elbow joint angle with respect to the initial angle. *Represents statistical significance (p < 0.05) by one-way repeated ANOVA test with 95% confidence level. Overall value in the very left side of (c), and values in (d), (e), (f), (h), (i) are represented as mean ± standard error (SEM)