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. 2021 Feb 13;2021(2):CD013560. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013560.pub2

Appleby 1997.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: RCT, double‐blind
Location: UK (Manchester)
Setting: community setting
No. of centres: 2 large hospitals in an urban health district
Dates of study: recruitment May 1993‐February 1995
Total duration of study: 23 months; recruitment (20 months), follow‐up (12 weeks)
Recruitment: women on maternity wards were asked to allow assessment of their mood in their homes 6‐8 weeks later
Randomisation method: computer‐generated random numbers
Analysis by ITT: yes (LOCF), in addition to analysis by completion
Power calculation: none stated
Participants Inclusion criteria: women who scored ≥ 10 on the EPDS at the screening visit were assessed with the CIS‐R and eligible to participate if they scored ≥ 12, as well as satisfying research diagnostic criteria for major or minor depressive disorder
Exclusion criteria: chronic (> 2 years) or resistant depression, current drug or alcohol misuse, severe illness requiring close monitoring or hospital admission, breastfeeding
Number recruited: 87
Number dropped out: 26
Number analysed: 87 (additional completers' analysis with 61 participants): fluoxetine + 1 counselling session N = 22; fluoxetine + 6 counselling sessions N = 21; placebo + 1 counselling session N = 23; placebo + 6 counselling sessions N = 21
Age (mean) years: fluoxetine + 1 counselling session 25.7; fluoxetine + 6 counselling sessions 26.6; placebo + 1 counselling session 23.1; placebo + 6 counselling sessions 26.0
Severity of PND, mean (range) score: CIS‐R: fluoxetine 28.2 (26.4‐30.1); placebo 28.3 (26.6‐30.1), EPDS: fluoxetine 17.2 (16.2‐18.2); placebo 16.9 (15.8‐18.1), HAM‐D: fluoxetine 13.2 (13‐15.5); placebo 13.9 (12.5‐15.4)
Duration of PND: not reported
Physical health co‐morbidities: not reported
Mental health co‐morbidities: not reported
Ethnicity: no details
Socioeconomic status: no details
Interventions Women were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups
  1. Fluoxetine + 1 session of counselling (22 women)

  2. Fluoxetine + 6 sessions of counselling (21 women)

  3. Placebo + 1 session of counselling (23 women)

  4. Placebo + 6 sessions of counselling (21 women)

Counselling was derived from CBT and structured to offer reassurance and practical advice on areas of concern to depressed mothers
Outcomes Primary outcome: depressive symptoms as measured by mean scores on the CIS‐R, the HAM‐D (week 1 and 12 only) and EPDS
Time points: week 1, 4 and 12
Notes Funding source not given
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk "Subjects were allocated to one of four treatment groups by using computer generated random numbers"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk No details on allocation concealment given
Blinding of participants (performance bias) Low risk "The counselling was delivered by a psychologist… supervised by a second psychiatrist, both were blind to drug treatment, as were trial subjects"
Blinding of personnel (performance bias) Low risk "The counselling was delivered by a psychologist… supervised by a second psychiatrist, both were blind to drug treatment, as were trial subjects"
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk "The assessment interviews were conducted by a psychiatrist blind to subject treatment group"
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk "Drop‐out rates were similar in the four groups. Drop outs were younger than subjects who completed the study and more likely to have an unemployed partner and to have a planned pregnancy, but the groups did not differ on initial psychiatric morbidity scores, employment, obstetric complications, parity, family history, or personal history of depression, including postnatal depression"
Of 87 total participants, 14/43 from the fluoxetine plus counselling group dropped out and 12/44 of the placebo plus counselling group dropped out
Details of dropout timings and reasons were reported, but mainly "no reason given". Lack of improvement was the reason for 3 dropouts in the fluoxetine group but 0 in the placebo group. In contrast, 3 women in the placebo group but only 1 woman in the intervention group dropped out due to side effects
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Protocol unavailable
Other bias Unclear risk No details given on adherence to medication
No funding details reported