Figure 4.
Rno‐let‐7d regulation of galectin‐3 expression. A. Validity of rno‐let‐7d expression plasmid was confirmed by PCR in both CBRH‐7919 and PC12L cells 48 h after transfection. The result was similar in two cells and the figure was the representative of three independent experiments. Reaction without reverse transcriptase (RT‐) was used as the negative control. The expression rno‐let‐7d was also confirmed by real‐time PCR (right panel). B. Luciferase activity analysis in CBRH‐7919 cells after co‐transfection of rno‐let‐7d precursor with luciferase report plasmid. The plasmid containing scramble sequence was as a control. Data were shown as an average of relative luciferase units which were normalized to the control, with standard errors (**P < 0.01), where n = 6. C. Schematic representation of the interaction between rno‐let‐7d seeding sequence and the binding site on the mutant‐type Lgals3‐3′UTR (C→G). Abbreviations: Mut = mutant type, the report plasmid included the mutant‐type Lgals3‐3′UTR; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; UTR = untranslated region; Wt = wild type, the report plasmid included the wild‐type Lgals3‐3′UTR.