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. 2021 Jan 20;2021(1):CD011865. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011865.pub2
# Searches Results
1 medical fee/ 13185
2 capitation fee/ 3746
3 prospective payment/ 8259
4 reimbursement/ 52616
5 fee for service/ 5851
6 (capitation or reimbursement or fee for service? or prospective payment? or retrospective payment? or target payment? or pay* for performance or p4p or performance payment? or performance based pay* or performance based financing or financial incentive? or economic incentive? or monetary incentive? or prepaid health* plan? or pre paid health* plan? or prepaied health care plan? or pre paied health care plan? or (payment? adj2 method?) or (payment? adj2 mechanism?) or (payment? adj2 system?)).ti,ab,od,ct,kw. 86582
7 or/1‐6 [PAYMENT METHIODS] 97015
8 ambulatory care/ 33832
9 primary health care/ 60691
10 primary medical care/ 94258
11 outpatient care/ 32813
12 outpatient department/ 56842
13 general practitioner/ 89987
14 general practice/ 74378
15 community care/ 51541
16 (family physician? or family practitioner? or family clinician? or family doctor? or general practitioner? or community physician? or family practice? or general practice? or primary care or primary healthcare or primary health care or ambulatory care or ambulatory patient? or outpatient? or (community adj3 service?) or (community adj3 care) or ambulatory facility or ambulatory care facility or ambulatory facilities or ambulatory care facilities or ambulatory clinic? or (community adj3 clinic?) or (community adj3 center?) or (community adj3 centre?) or dental clinic? or dental service? or pharmac* service? or community pharmac*).ti,ab,od,ct,kw. 674465
17 or/8‐16 [OUTPATIENT] 753505
18 7 and 17 17829
19 (performance based financing or (pay* and performance) or target payment? or financial incentive? or incentive payment? or capitation or capitated financing or capitated payment? or reimbursement or remuneration system? or fee for service? or (pay* and behaviour) or (pay* and behavior)).ti. [TERMS TAKEN FROM TITLES OF INCLUDED STUDIES] 10822
20 18 or 19 26880
21 Randomized Controlled Trial/ 534657
22 Quasi Experimental Study/ 5333
23 Pretest Posttest Control Group Design/ 367
24 Time Series Analysis/ 22359
25 (randomis* or randomiz* or randomly or controlled or control group? or (before adj5 after) or (pre adj5 post) or ((pretest or pre test) and (posttest or post test)) or quasiexperiment* or quasi experiment* or evaluat* or time series or time point? or repeated measur* or groups).ti,ab. 7648001
26 (trial or intervention? or effect? or impact?).ti. 2454297
27 or/21‐26 9085911
28 exp animals/ or exp invertebrate/ or animal experiment/ or animal model/ or animal tissue/ or animal cell/ or nonhuman/ 25442079
29 human/ or normal human/ or human cell/ 19376288
30 28 not (28 and 29) 6119288
31 (systematic review or literature review).ti. 150895
32 "cochrane database of systematic reviews".jn. 13058
33 27 not (30 or 31 or 32) 7133848
34 20 and 33 8335
35 ("Health Policy, Economics and Management" or "Public Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology").ec. 2719999
36 34 and 35 4112
37 limit 36 to embase 4100