No. |
Search terms |
Results |
#1 |
[mh stroke] or [mh "cerebrovascular disorders"] or [mh "brain ischemia"] or [mh "brain infarction"] or [mh "cerebral infarction"] or [mh "subarachnoid hemorrhage"] or [mh "intracranial hemorrhages"] |
13666 |
#2 |
(stroke or poststroke or (post NEXT stroke) or cerebrovasc* or brainvasc* or (cerebral NEXT vasc*) or cva* or apoplex* or sah):ti,ab |
53199 |
#3 |
((brain* or cerebr* or cerebell* or intracran* or intracerebral) near/5 (isch?emi* or infarct* or thrombo* or emboli* or occlus*)):ti,ab |
8279 |
#4 |
((brain* or cerebr* or cerebell*or intracerebral or intracranial or subarachnoid) near/5 (haemorrhage* or hemorrhage* or haematoma* or hematoma* or bleed*)):ti,ab |
6839 |
#5 |
(brain NEXT injur*):ti,ab |
5000 |
#6 |
{or #1‐#5} |
66348 |
#7 |
(post NEXT stroke or poststroke):ti,ab |
5032 |
#8 |
rehabilitat*:ti,ab |
30070 |
#9 |
[mh ^/RH] |
17290 |
#10 |
recover*:ti,ab |
54358 |
#11 |
[mh "recovery of function"] |
4829 |
#12 |
therap*:ti,ab |
358227 |
#13 |
{or #7‐#12} |
427940 |
#14 |
[mh "translational medical research"] |
119 |
#15 |
(knowledge near/2 (application or broke* or creation or diffus* or disseminat* or exchang* or implement* or management or mobili* or translat* or transfer* or uptak* or utili*)):ti,ab |
1040 |
#16 |
(evidence* near/2 (exchang* or translat* or transfer* or diffus* or disseminat* or exchang* or implement* or management or mobil* or uptak* or utili*)):ti,ab |
1800 |
#17 |
(kt near/2 (application or broke* or diffus* or disseminat* or decision* or exchang* or implement* or intervent* or mobili* or plan* or policy or policies or strateg* or translat* or transfer* or uptak* or utili*)):ti,ab |
198 |
#18 |
(research* near/2 (diffus* or disseminat* or exchang* or transfer* or translation* or application or implement* or mobil* or transfer* or uptak* or utili*)):ti,ab |
2120 |
#19 |
((research or evidence) near/2 (action or practice)):ti,ab |
3114 |
#20 |
[mh "diffusion of innovation"] |
159 |
#21 |
((evidence next base* or evidence next inform*) near/5 (decision* or plan* or policy or policies or practice or action*)):ti,ab |
1794 |
#22 |
implementation:ti,ab |
17927 |
#23 |
behavio?r next change:ti,ab |
4113 |
#24 |
[mh "organizational innovation"] |
111 |
#25 |
organi?ational next change?:ti,ab |
156 |
#26 |
complex next intervention?:ti,ab |
1028 |
#27 |
audit:ti,ab |
2933 |
#28 |
(barrier? and facilitator?):ti,ab |
1158 |
#29 |
(booklet* or brochure? or pamphlet? or (paper NEXT based) or printed material?):ti,ab |
6027 |
#30 |
decision next mak*:ti,ab or [mh "decision making"] |
11855 |
#31 |
((change? or changing or improv* or effect* or influenc* or alter* or adapt* or amend* or modify* or adjust* or transform*) near/2 (policy or policies or process* or practic* or provider? or activit*)):ti,ab |
17160 |
#32 |
((knowledge or evidence or quality or research or practice) near/2 gap?):ti,ab |
1222 |
#33 |
(education* near/3 (continuing or group? or outreach or plan* or practitioner? or program? or staff? or team?)):ti,ab |
13865 |
#34 |
((evidence NEXT based) near/3 (algorithm? or evaluat* or guideline? or healthcare or implement* or improv* or intervention* or management or pathway? or plan? or practic* or program? or quality)):ti,ab |
5319 |
#35 |
(feedback or feed next back):ti,ab |
13986 |
#36 |
[mh "guideline adherence"] |
1006 |
#37 |
(guideline? near/3 (adher* or enforc* or influenc* or implement* or impact* or introduc* or uptake or follow)):ti,ab |
2484 |
#38 |
(incentiv* near/2 (economic or employee? or financ* or insurer? or insurance or market* or monetar* or pay* or plan? or practitioner? or program* or provider? or reimburs* or salary or salarie? or staff or team* or (value NEXT based))):ti,ab |
1426 |
#39 |
(collaborat* or (cross NEXT profession*) or intraprofession* or (intra NEXT profession*) or interprofession* or (inter NEXT profession*) or (skill near/2 mix*) or teambase? or (team NEXT based) or (inter NEXT disciplin*) or multidisciplin* or (multi NEXT disciplin*) or multiprofession*):ti,ab |
16949 |
#40 |
((knowledge near/2 (transfer* or translation or shar* or exchan*)) or kt):ti,ab |
2085 |
#41 |
((knowledge or evidence or practice) near/2 (gap? or barrier?)):ti,ab |
1154 |
#42 |
((knowledge or evidence) near/2 synthesis):ti,ab |
265 |
#43 |
(opinion NEXT leader?):ti,ab |
207 |
#44 |
(outreach near/2 (communit* or plan? or program? or visit?)):ti,ab |
528 |
#45 |
((policy or policies) near/2 (chang* or effect? or impact? or influenc*)):ti,ab |
425 |
#46 |
(quality near/2 (assurance or improvement? or initiativ* or plan* or program* or review or audit)):ti,ab |
6990 |
#47 |
(qi next (initiative? or intervention? or program* or plan* or audit)):ti,ab |
120 |
#48 |
((change? or changing or improv* or effect* or influenc*) near/2 (policy or policies or practic* or provider?)):ti,ab |
5838 |
#49 |
((journal next club?) or (clinical next librarian) or library or libraries or (answer next service?) or (information next science)):ti,ab |
6281 |
#50 |
(best NEXT practice):ti,ab |
1197 |
#51 |
(care NEXT pathway?):ti,ab |
576 |
#52 |
(project network next (technique? or diagram?)):ti,ab |
1 |
#53 |
{or #14‐#52} |
112302 |
#54 |
[mh "stroke rehabilitation"] |
2206 |
#55 |
#6 and #13 and #53 |
3403 |
#56 |
#53 and #54 |
508 |
#57 |
#55 or #56 |
3429 |